Just need to vent

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Nov 20, 2011
Hey. New to here
have had crohns since I was 13 now 32. I've had 4 resections and now having my fith major flair.
My last operation was last year. After the surgery the doc came in and said "we took out 9 inches but left in another section that we think can be brought under control with drugs". I was kinda worried about that since my track record with drugs has been shotty at best. The steroids gave me psychosis the remicade caused a really bad reaction ( couldn't breathe and broke out in hives all over my body) Imuran caused a horrible infection that caused me to get part of my finger cut off and nothing else seemed all that effective.. I'm so frustrated. I'm not usually one 4 pity parties but when do I get a break. I wish the doc cut out everything that didn't look good. When I had operations in the past I'd be some what ok for about 4 years before I'd start to have major issues. This time i was good for 4 months before things started to go down hill. I cant believe it started again so soon after last op. I just delt with being so sick for over a year.. Now I'm totally depressed and stressed out. I don't want to be around family with the exception of my mom. I've isolated myself from friends and extended family. Last family function i went to my uncle told me I looked like a crackhead because I was so thin and my grandparents wouldn't stop telling me to eat more. I wish they would get what I'm goin thru and leave me alone when it comes to food.
I'm so tired of dealing with the pain. The 10+ trips a day to can. The docs the tests the hospitals and now I've developed arthritis in my wrists and lower back. I've been dealing with this since I was 13 and just want to have a normal life. My brother and sister are both sucessful in their lives and here I am. Unable to hold a job. Unable to go to school. No desire to even be in a relationship. I don't understand why they don't just open me up again. and get it over with. I'm on a ton of opiates and now dependent on them to function. I just don't get it. If it's goin to be like this for the rest of my life what's the point? I used to be very social very active now I'm prety much stuck in the house and don't have a life. I just wanna be "normal" again

Anyway. It's kinda late so goin to end this and try to sleep. Glad there's a place like this were one can vent
Feel free to send a msg. Wouldnt mind chatting to those who understand what this is like..
Thanks for reading
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:welcome: to the forum Mikey, and as another Canadian and almost same problems as you , I know you had to feel this way. Meds react to me terribly. They should of taken out the diseased area that was kinda weird they left some in. Having multiple surgeries isnt always the answer. Just came back from a CCFC meeting and it must be a last resort unless it is fistuling or blocking. I know this isnt fun, and it hurts. Have you tried Remicade? It caused a reaction to me but it could be your miracle drug. Keep us posted and let us know how the doctor decides to go or yourself. Glad you joined.
Hey pen. Thanks for the reply.
Yep I've tried remicade. I was on it for the first time about 8 years ago. Ended up having blockage 3 infusions later. After that resection I wasn't on anything then when I started getting sick with my flair before this one they started me on it again but had a pretty serious reaction so the doc won't give it to me anymore. I thought it was goin to be my wonder drug.. A couple days after the first infusion of it I actually felt pretty good. But by the third one I had started a pretty dramatic slide down hill. :(
Yeah if you get past the 3rd infusion most people do well. I had a terrible reaction in my arms and was in so much pain! Then went to my jaw then my foot. It is hard to know what is next. I am in the same boat. Have you lived in NS all your life?
Yep been here all mylife. When i was younger I just about moved to Ontario but came to the conclusion I was just running from my problems so ended up stain here and so gald I did. I love being around the water. Big into boating so here's perfect for me..
Sigh. Did no sailing this year do to feeling like junk. Ah well. Maybe next year

Cute doggies pen! Where ya from??