Just out of hopsital...new symptom

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Feb 27, 2012
just out of hopsital...new symptom

I just got out of the hospital for what was meant to be a draining of an abscess. I ended up not having any surgery, just a PICC line put in so I can do IV antibiotic treatments at home. Initially, I contacted my doc because I was having pain in the rectum and high fevers. I had a CT that showed that I had several small clusters of abscesses, none of which they felt it would be worth trying to drain. Now I am home and getting the IV antibiotics, but have developed pain in my around my anus. I have had diarrhea from the CT contrast and the antibiotics (which is not normal for me), but I'm more concerned it is a fissure or a fistula. I don't know if I should just wait and see if the antibiotics clears it up, or call my doc. Does anyone have any experiences like this or insight??
It could be that the abscess is making its way to the skin and will eventually break and drain. When my rectal abscess made it to the skin it was swollen and tender to the touch in one particular spot.

Are you doing sitz baths? The heat can help with the pain. It can also draw the infection to the surface. Heating pads seem to do much the same.

It never hurts to call the docs and see what they want you to do.
Or, hot water bottle may help bring it to a head as well. Try a squirt bottle each time you use the toilet. Squirt it directly on and about your rectum to make sure it is very clean. May help avoid further trouble.
My abscess did the same, pulled to the surface in a little mass. They drained it after that. The heating pad helps me a lot. I'm on mine right now. Haha. How long is it until you see your doc again? Good luck. :)
I am in much more pain today than ever before. It feels much more mass-like today, is this something I could get drained in an ER, or do I need to wait to get in with the surgeon? I tried to call my GI doc today but I'm sure no one will get back to me until tomorrow.
I had a family doctor at Doctor's Care drain mine the first time. Later surgery was performed for drainage and a seton since I have a fistula. I would think that the er could drain it but I'm not sure. Are you in America?
I have gone to the er twice with them. They can drain it for you. If it is hurting that bad at least they can get you some relief. Do you have a colorectal surgeon? At my surgeons office they have an after hours call system and they will have the on-call surgeon call and advise you.
I did end up going to the ER, but it started draining while I was waiting. That relieved the pain almost completely. The doctor looked at it and said fistula and to call my surgeon in the morning. I did that and he said to just follow up with My GI and ID. Today I have fever and chills (today marks 2 weeks on the IV antibiotics), so I'm a little concerned about that, but my appt with my GI is tomorrow and I see my ID again on Friday.