Just starting this journey and need some help.

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Jun 10, 2011
Hi...I'm not really sure that I belong here and am hoping to get some guidance from you all. I am a 35 year old mother to 2 children. I also have Lupus. I have been battling with stomach problems for about 3 months now and am wondering if I have crohns so am posting here to see if I can get some guidance. Basically, I have diahrea 3-4 times a day EVERY day for the past 3 months without fail. If I eat raw fruits, veggies it is a disaster. Other than that I haven't been able to narrow it down to a food. I was put on heartburn medicine, IBS medicine and antibiotics for E. Coli. None of them stopped or lessoned the diahrea. Imodium stops it but it makes me extremely nauseaus so isn't an option. I've had bloodtests and stool samples and all were normal. I also had a colonoscopy and the biopsy was negative for colitis, he didn't biopsy for crohn's as he said it looked negative. I just had a CT scan today. I have lost about 18 pounds in the past 3 months and anytime I eat I get very bloated. Someone mentioned Crohn's to me, especially with my Lupus. It seems to be getting worse and not better as time goes on. Does this sound like Crohn's? Any suggestions?
Is diarrhea and weight loss your only symptom?

IBS can cause a lot of the same symptoms but there are what they call red flag symptoms such as bleeding and weight loss.
I have bloating, weight loss, bleeding (but also have hemroids) and loss of appetite and stomach pain. I just had a pea size clot this afternoon (TMI) which I never had before and that kind of freaked me out but not sure if I should be worried about it or not.
I would say it would be worth it to mention this to your doctor. I was reading about Lupus and it did mention that you can also have digestive problems as a result. Have you had an exam for the hemorrhoids like a rectal exam? I know such a horrid question lol but I have hemorrhoids and I can feel them. The sooner you go to the doctors the sooner you get answers. I wish you all the best! and remember your not alone I am also going through this and trying my best to keep sane with all these crazy symptoms.
Thanks. I do have hemroids and they r currently out of control from all of the diahrea. My rheumy doesnt think it is my lupus at this point but we arent sure what is going on. I'm just at aloss right now.
The biopsy would have shown crohns if it was present in that particular bit of bowel. With biopsies they look for all abnormalities including crohns. Negative biopsies however do not rule out crohns as it can be anywhere. The CT can pick up inflammation in the GI tract so may help give some answers.
I'm not sure if i can help you at all, but I just wanted to let you know, I have recently gone through something similar...
Diarrhea/joint pain for going on 6 months now. Lost 20 lbs. I was seeing both a rheumatologist and a GI doc until I got a positive crohn's diagnosis via colonoscopy. I guess my point is, I had very similar symptoms to you and they were checking me for both Crohn's and Lupus. Turned out mine is crohn's. It sounds like the diarrhea can be a side effect of lupus.
Best of luck to you!!
P.S. I am also in my 30's and a mom to two! Welcome!!!
Anything I eat I swell up like a pregnant women..With meds and diet I am ok I am limited to kellogs and soy milk I am lactose intolerant .I have lost 45 lbs and I am dealing with chronic back pain.I agree mention it to ur doctor.Keep us posted.

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