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Dec 30, 2008
first of all as usual sorry if this is in the wrong place, but didnt really know where to put it!..

It is with a lot of mixed emotion that i write this, And the last week has been horrible, It has brought things back to the surface that I had effectively moved on from, only for them to start haunting me once more. I gave my evidence in court and came out after being cross examined feeling like i was the criminal, that I deserved what happened, and almost certain they would get away with it. and have spent the last week doing nothing but worry about it all, not eating, not getting on with my life, just non stop worrying that they will get away with what they did and come looking for me to get their "revenge"

It's taken over a week for the trial to be finished, but i have found today that justice has been done. They have been found guilty, one of GBH and the other of "assault by beating". And to say i feel relieved and like the world has lifted off my shoulders would be an understatement. I say its justice.. But i will be living with the consequences of what they did for the rest of my life, they will serve a bit of time and be out and back to their lives. But either way they will be punished. and have been found guilty, and that sentence will hang over their head for all of eternity.

After an article in the paper at the weekend talking about the "assault" i was so worried they would get away with it and i would be left looking like an aggressive abusive liar who had it coming to him... but thankfully that wont be the case. I dont even know how to feel, I want to be happy, but i cant be happy, this should have never happened in the first place. But i am glad that it can all finally be put to bed and I can get on with my life without too much more worry.
Martin that is excellent. I'm sure you've got such mixed emotions right now, but I'm so thankful that they will be punished for what you've gone through! Yes, after their time served they will be out, but what they have done will now always be on their criminal records and consciences. Now that justice has been served, you can move onto a new chapter of your life.
Yes this should have never happened in the first place to you, but I think your a stronger person for it. Even if I haven't posted too much to you about it, I've been following your story and I'm really happy for you. You are really a strong person. :hug:
Wow, that is not something a crohnie needs to go through. I am glad it is all behind you and trying to get it out of your mind. The what if's are gone, but you have done what you needed to do to clear your conscience, too bad the whole world dont think like you. Baby steps and feel good about what you accomplished. You did good! :hang:
Well done Martin. You got through it and had a great victory. Be proud of yourself and do whatever you want now!
Nothing can take back what happened, but enjoy yourself anyway.
I'm so angry, after all this time waiting for the sentencing it has now been put back until the end of march. the reason the judge gave was that one of the men who attacked me and got convicted of gbh has 2 autistic children who may be affected if their dad goes to prison for nearly killing someone...

I just cant believe it. it's unfortunate his kids have a problem like autism but maybe he should have thought about that before kicking the crap out of me?... Seems very unlikely he will even go to prison now :(
Thats an effing joke! My 13yr old cousin has autism.. his dad is a complete tool. so my aunty is effectively a single mum. and they do just fine. its ridiculous!! He shouldnt have done it in the 1st place.. it shouldnt matter about family circumstances (especially in a case of GBh)

Im so angry for you!!

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