kerry man
I'm new to this so please bare with me.
hi,my name is Tom aka Abo, i'm from Co Kerry,in Ireland.I was first diagnosed with Cd in sept has been a tough few years with at least 2 stays in hospital per year and sometimes more with flareups.At present i'm on Remicade infusions, my 7th on Dec 29th.the first 5 were great it was like i had my life back full of energy and a full appetite.4 weeks after the 5th old symptoms came back you know the usual flareup with abdominal cramps bleeding and loss of weight.So far so good with the 6th,hopefully will get through Christmas without any incident ???:lol:
I'm new to this so please bare with me.
hi,my name is Tom aka Abo, i'm from Co Kerry,in Ireland.I was first diagnosed with Cd in sept has been a tough few years with at least 2 stays in hospital per year and sometimes more with flareups.At present i'm on Remicade infusions, my 7th on Dec 29th.the first 5 were great it was like i had my life back full of energy and a full appetite.4 weeks after the 5th old symptoms came back you know the usual flareup with abdominal cramps bleeding and loss of weight.So far so good with the 6th,hopefully will get through Christmas without any incident ???:lol: