Hi everyone I'm due to have another colonoscopy tomorrow to see if my Crohns has got worse tomorrow and currently taking klean prep, but severely struggling to drink it! Please tell me someone has a solution to getting through this
I know how you feel.
I survived by cutting a lemon into very small pieces and keeping it between my teeth
while taking the kleen prep through a straw.
I also drank fresh lemon juice in between
You need lots of clear fluids besides the kleen prep.
You can also have hard clear candies, no red or purple ones though.
I thought the prep now commonly used is Picolax.
Very easy to drink and only two cups of it.
, athough it is essential to drink loads of clear fluids as well.
Some include Gatorade for fluids since it helps the electrolyte balance.
I did not like it though and stuck with the lemon.
Thank you for your reply, I've asked my dad to pick me up a lemon as I obviously can't leave the house. I wish it had been picolax, I had that for my last colonoscopy and it was a lot more bearable. I've kept water by me as well to drink throughout and tried holding my nose and drinking it through a straw but still very hard to drink.
I had to drink it last Monday for the first time, I feel your pain. I read loads of advice about what helps and I agree using a straw did. I also read having it cold helps but I disagree with that as it made me sick, I found room temperature was better for me. I added orange squash to mine, helped a little.
Hi jag I'm really glad you said that you mixed with orange squash as that's what I ended up doing. I tried the lemon which worked for 1 glass but after that I was just being sick any time I drank it. The squash certainly made it a bit more bearable. My colonoscopy is in about 2 hours so fingers crossed it's all worked!