Ko was in hospital all last week

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Feb 23, 2012
I know I havent posted in quite sometime, but I thought it was time to give an update.

We started seeing the new GI (the one thats apart of Inprove care now) We love him. You can tell he loves his job and helping kids with Crohns or UC is his number 1 priority. We learned more from him then we did the last GI. He talked to us about 2 hours. He decided at that time to cut Kotas Allapurinol down to 50mg a day and keep 6mp at 12.5mg because his counts still arent good. We did that and it seemed like Ko was feeling better. Dr ordered a Dexa scan since Ko has already broken a bone since coming off the steriods.

Well last Monday night Ko started running a high fever. Watched him through the night. By morning his fever was still there and his stomach had started to hurt worse. I called Gi doc. While waiting for call back, Ko starts throwing up blood. Let me just say it scared the crap out of me. He has never had blood in stool either. New hospital is an hour from us. So we started on over to the hospital before Dr called me back. Ko threw up again and it was blood. So dr called and said bring him to ER. Okay we are already on our way.

ER got us right in when we got there. They started an Iv and took blood. About 20 minutes after Kotas blood was taken my cell phone rings and its the Gi doctor himself. He said he had already told the GI floor that Ko was going to be admitted. Doc said the blood work doesnt look to bad. I asked okay when was this blood work done. Not realizing he could get results so fast. He said they were done at 4:52 today and it was 5:15. Wow he got results fast. Other Gi it took days if not a week for any results. He let me know that they were completely stopping Allapurinol and 6mp. Said his body was toxic and was attacking bone marrow. He said we may have to consider Remicade. But wanted to do some more testing.

Tuesday morning doctor on call said she was concerned with heart rate being so high it was 151. So she ordered an EKG. It looked great other than his heart rate being fast. Ko also has a history of nose bleeds. So they sent in a ENT to look in his nose and take pictures. To see if maybe thats where the blood was coming from that he threw up. They said it was possible but they were not for sure. The plan at that point was for him to go home off of all his meds other than nexium and amitriptyline. They wanted to watch him without meds. Dr on call said she wasnt convinced he actually did have Crohns. What you have got to be kidding me. Yes that would be great but why would other GI say he had it if he didnt. Old Gi wouldnt even return New Gi phone calls. Their plan at that time was to keep him off meds for 4 weeks and then do Colonoscopy. They way they could get a better look at him not being on meds. Although the 6mp they said had done more damage then good for Ko.

They come in and took IV out Wednesday morning and we are thinking we get to go home. Well we ended up having to stay another day. They did xrays and more blood work. Ko at that point was so ready to get home.. And disappointed that we had to stay again. We were told that they would be doing an upper GI the next morning.

Thursday morning about 5 his fever spikes again to 102. They come in at 5 to take blood. Well they couldnt get blood. So they had to send the IV team in to get blood. This lady was great. She took his blood in the dark. Thursday all Ko wanted to do was sleep. He went to sleep playing a video game with his brother. They came and did the upper Gi. And well you could see what looked good and what didnt:frown: The terminal ileum looked abnormal. So doctor came in and said we had to stay again. They would be going ahead and doing colonoscopy on Friday. So now came the fun part the clean out.

Ko has been one of the lucky ones he has never had an NG tube before. Well they had to start one so they could give him the Go lightly through it. NG tube went in really fast. All Ko did that afternoon and all night was sleep. I had to wake him and take him to restroom so he could go. And then he would go back to sleep while sitting there. He hadnt been given anything during the day to make him so sleepy. He doesnt even remember that night. They also started a new IV that day.

Friday morning was here and he still wasnt completely clean. So they gave us a few more hours and set up Colonoscopy for 130 that afternoon. They came and got us an dwe went do to preop. KO did great there. They came in and gave him some vercet. He was getting a little silly. We got to walk him down the hall and when they told him to tell us bye. I thought he was going to break my hand. He started to cry then. My heart was breaking. This is always the part he says he hates most is when they take him from me.

About 2 1/2 hours later doctor on call comes out to consult with us. Said upper Gi was right the terminal ileum wasnt normal. She said she had never seen anything that looked like Kotas. This is what it says on the report. Findings The mucosa of the rectum an dentire colon appeared grossly normal without evidence of erythema, ulceration or erosion. There was presence of erythema at th elevel of the cecum. The IVC apppeared inflammed and pale. The mucosa of the termial ileum showed patchy areas oferythema, friability with cobblestoning appearance of mucosa. No polps were detected, Retroflexed view of the rectum was normal.Air and fluid was suctioned and the scope was withdrawn from the patient and the procedure terminated.

Doctor said we were going to hold off on starting new meds to see what pathology reports said. She said we maybe able to but him on Entacort but she isn't sure until reports come back. He may have to have that part of intestine removed.

We had to go back to hospital yesterday for blood work. They did the test that suppose to be like the tb test but its with blood. They said it was more accurate. Wanted to have this test done so the results of it will be back around time pathology reports are back..

Okay you all know I amnot the smartest about Crohns but I am sure trying. When I got home and was comparing the pictures from last time (this Feb when dx) and then pictures from friday. The pictures from feb show his terminal ileum was normal. But now its not. The old pictures show the Ileocecal Valve was abnormal looked like blisters and puss. But they didnt even have a picture of that this time. So does that mean that it has spread from the Ileocecal Valve to the terminal ileum? Or did they not go far enough to see if it still looked bad. Sorry there are so many words I dont know that I am having to look up.

I am just ready for some answers. Well thats my update of whats been going on with us.
Oh my gosh! I was just wondering about Ko the other day. I'm sorry I don't have any experience with the issues you are facing so I can't give advice but it sounds like you finally have a good GI in your corner. Did his GI see him and coordinate his care while in the hospital or was it all the attending?

I hope things pick up for you guys soon. You so deserve a break!
Most of the time it was the attending but his Gi came in to see us a couple of times. The waiting onthe pathology reports are so hard. It seems like we have been waiting forever.
Oh good I am glad HIS Gi was involved. I could only imagine how frustrating the waiting is especially given they have taken him off his meds. We will pray for a speedy turn around on the biopsies and the best outcome!

Hang in the mama!
Hope the biopsies results are quick and useful.
Glad your new Gi is working to find out the problem
First, I am very sorry your Ko has been and continues to be so sick. Ugh.

Very glad you have a new GI that sounds like he's got a good bedside manner and willing to listen. Is he a pediatric IBD GI?

When you say they did the "upper GI" do you mean that they did an SBFT (small bowel follow through) sometimes also called an upper GI series?

This has a pretty good diagram of the intestines that you may find helpful.

You can see that the cecum is part of the large intestine (colon).

What you can't see in the diagram is the place where the small and large intestine come together. That is where the ileocecal valve is located (ICV). It connects the ileus (small intestine) to the cecum (large intestine). The terminal ileum is the very end of the small intestine where it connects to the ICV. The cecum is part of the ascending colon and is right outside the ICV. The doctor would see the cecum first, then the ICV and then the TI.

I'm surprised there was no comment about the ICV but I am sure the doc was taking lots of pictures so your doc will be able to review those as well as the biopsies.

As for the on-call docs remarks.

Um. I am going to take a guess that the on-call doc was a resident and not an attending ped GI let alone a pediatric IBD GI.* I sure hope so.

Because that sounds like a classic Crohn's presentation in the TI. Cobblestoning is a hallmark of Crohn's.

I think you should contact your regular GI's office and make sure they know that these tests were done in the hospital. Ask when you should expect to hear from the GI about the results.

Be sure to tell them that (unless I'm mistaken) as far as you know they did not identify the cause of the upper GI bleeding. *** This is a very important point to make***

If they don't offer to schedule an urgent appointment I would ask them to check with the doctor to see how soon he wants to see you.

Hope this gets sorted out right away. And yes he may need surgery but I would not bet on it given the source.

*On call attending doctors who make pronouncements like "I'm not convinced he has Crohn's" should be taken out and shot at dawn, in my opinion. Grrrrrr. If they are residents making such pronouncements then they should be hung by their thumbs to watch while their attendings are tarred and feathered for letting their residents say stupid things like that and not taking them back promptly.

Ok. got that off my chest.
He goes to see his Gi on the 11th. Unless when they get the pathology reports and they want him in sooner.

It does scare me with him not being on meds. The new doctor is trying to tell Kota that he doesnt have to be in pain everyday and that its okay to say when he hurts. His old Gi had him afraid to even say how he was feeling. Ko has just come to deal with being in pain everyday. Because Pain has been his everyday for so long.

His new GI is the head of the Crohns department in this childrens hospital. HE seems to be very involved.

Thanks everyone. PLease continue to pray for him. He is such a sweet and loving little boy. He never wants to complain about anything. ANd he always has a smile on his face
He is in my prayers. So sorry he is having it so rough again. Hope the biopsies come back quick! Sending you guys lots of hugs. I am so glad the new GI sounds really on top of things.
It looks as if they do mention the ileocecal valve in the report because it states the ICV is pale and inflamed and the ICV is the ileocecal valve right? So even though there are no pics they seem to have mentioned its appearance.

I have been thinking of Ko, I was a little worried that we haven't heard from you and I am so glad you found this new GI and he's working so hard to figure out Ko's case. I know you have to feel so much better putting him in the hands if a doc who seems so caring. I hope they get everything figured out and settled down soon. Is he still having the rapid heartbeat? Do they think now that he is off meds that will calm down! Hoping you get the results back soon!
His heart rate came down the day after he stopped the meds. I knew that if his body was that toxic from the meds it wouldnt be out of his system that fast.

I was completely against him being put back to sleep with his heart rate being so high. I had told DH I wouldnt let them do anything until heart rate was down or they could explain it so that I understood.Wed-Fri his heart rate was done to 85-100. HE was put to sleep and right after they took him from us. I told DH his heart rate is not going to stay down. There is no way it was the meds and it came down so fast. I said God knew I would stand my ground and not let the test be done. But God knew the test needed to be done. So he watched over him and brought the heart rate down for me. oO I would okay him being put to sleep. Within an hour after surgery heart rate was back up to 135-140. It proved to me even more God is there with us every step of the way and he is totally in control of everything.

I know that probably sounds crazy to everyone.
I am so so sorry for what you all are going through. I wish I had some wisdom or insight to offer. However please know I will be praying!!!
Gosh, so sorry he (and your family) are still going through so such tough times! Poor kid! :( But, I am glad that you like his new GI and that they are looking at all his issues seriously - its about time! :ymad: I really hope you finally get some answers for him! :ghug:
*On call attending doctors who make pronouncements like "I'm not convinced he has Crohn's" should be taken out and shot at dawn, in my opinion. Grrrrrr. If they are residents making such pronouncements then they should be hung by their thumbs to watch while their attendings are tarred and feathered for letting their residents say stupid things like that and not taking them back promptly.

Ok. got that off my chest.

I second Patricia56 idea!!!!!:)

So sorry to hear all the going ons. I pray things will go better for all of you.
Your poor boy! I'm glad you've got a different GI that seems to know what he is doing. As much as you never want your kids to be in hospital, at least it allowed all these tests to be done in one go so you can hopefully get some answers. I hope it doesn't take too long for the biopsies to come back. I know he isn't on meds so it is worrying, but it seems like the meds weren't doing much anyway so maybe it won't make it any worse being off them.
Good luck with everything, I hope this is the beginning of a better time for you and Kota!
Thanks everyone. Thanks Clash I didnt know that the ICV was the samething. I wonder how long it will take to get results back. Dr office said they werent really sure maybe 7-10 days.
Just wondering how your little/big man is doing?
I always call my son little man and
he tells me, mom I'm big man now.
I tell him no matter how big you get you will always be my little man!
Oh my goodness LmB! I am so very sorry to hear about Ko, poor love...:hug:

How is he is getting on hun?

Any results yet?

Thinking of you, :heart:
Dusty. xxx
Farmwife I call Ko my littleman also. He tells me sometimes mom I am a big man becasue I am man of the house when dad isnt here

We still have no results. Its driving me crazy. I have called the doctors office everyday asking if they are back yet. The nurse called me yesterday and said byopsies were back. They had very specific details and treatment. But that Kotas doctor hasnt got to look at them yet. So he would have to break them down and figure out treatment for sure.

We have an appointment on Tuesday. So not sure if they are planning to wait until then to tell us results. I just wish we knew something.

His heart rate is back up high. Blood preasure was up higher last night then it had ever been. I rechecked a few times just to make sure. His tummy hurt more yesterday then it has in a long time. He says most of the time he cant tell much of a difference in how he feels now then when he was on meds.

I just always feel so helpless. Hope everyone has a great day.

I promise to update when we know something
So sorry to hear Ko isn't well still.
I hope you get answers soon.
I'm praying for your little man.
Sorry to hear Kota isn't doing so well. How frustrating to know the biopsies are back and not knowing what it says. I hope they phone you before his appointment next week, but knowing docs, they probably think it's reasonable to make you wait till then. Sending lots of healing thoughts!
Ugghh!!! It is so frustrating to have to wait for results! I hope the weekend is 'uneventful' and Ko feels a bit better! :ghug: