L glutamene Bowel healing?

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Dec 12, 2011
I have been advised by a friend who is a PHD Nutritional student that L-Glutamene can help heal area's of inflimation in the bowel... anybody ever heard of this before?

I am very keen for information on this!
I have heard of it and I (not at present moment) am taking a magnesium (powderform and the best) has L-Glutamine in it so too early to tell yet. Form other sources I have read it does help. It can't hurt!
Yes, absolutely, I took L Glutamine for Gastritis and it helped. I haven't had it (the Gastritis) for a few years now but I still take L-Glutamine, 2mg as part of a liquid multi-vitamin that I take when I remember to lol. I do it as a preventative measure.

At first I was taking it in powder form but it was very pricey. I juiced a lot lot of cabbage as well as there's lots of L-glutamine in raw cabbage. That became a nuisance after a while and I then started taking a bodybuilders' amino acid recovery powder from Musashi called "Creatine Recovery Stack" (in Australia). It was the most cost effective product and had lots of other useful healing amino acids too like taurine etc. You should definitely consider taking l-glutamine to help heal the tissue.
Im starting it today, My best friend is the manager of a fitness shop so I am hoping to get mates rates.....

My consultant was eager to hear if I had any change using it.
I take a scoop every morning and have for 2 months. It hasn't done a thing for me. I only continue it because I have some left. Once I run out, I won't get anymore. Same goes for the other supplements my integrated doc told me to take. The only thing that has helped me is Remicade.
Yes, I've heard of it but haven't taken it for any length of time. An osteopath, who seemed pretty up to speed with supplements, told me to try building up to a 9 gram a day regimen--not a cheap undertaking as most capsule forms are .5-1gram a piece. I know there are powder forms, however, I haven't found any cost effective brands just yet.

He also advised me to take it without food as it supposedly competes with other nutrients for absorption. I haven't really surfed around looking for opinions on dosaging; maybe something like 5 grams would be sufficient for gut healing purposes?
I'm using powder form, and I'm only paying £8.00 per kilo so as far as cost goes its not expensive, I've been told to use on an empty stomach and use 10 mg 4 times a day. I started it on monday I'm keen to give it 3 months to see if it works... I wanna get back in gym so it should work on both parts!

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