Lack of sleep effects?

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Sep 5, 2014
In a couple weeks, I am going back to work. I work about 15-17 hour days, on my feet -- around 80 hours a week/5 days a week - no matter the weather if we work outside. This will be my first time going back to work after being diagnosed.

Basically, my job allows me to wake up, go to work, come home and sleep 6 hours a night before getting up and going back at it again.

Does lack of sleep actually CAUSE flares? I know for healthy people lack of sleep is bad haha but what will it do to my new lovely crohns?

I've considering quitting my field if I know it'll make my crohns worse. And I've asked my doctor but I feel like he's not giving me a hard answer. I wish he would say Yes quit this will be bad for you. Are they not allowed to advise work situations?
Hi Asher,

That's a tough place to be. I can't tell you that yes, this will cause a flare.

I've had this disease for a long time. Personally, I've worked jobs with long days, high stress, etc. I'venever been better for doing it. It takes its toll over the years.

I'm now listening to my body. I know what's realistic and what isn't.

You might be fine. Try it, listen to your body and make adjustments when necessary.

Sending you my support.
I've never come across anything that says lack of sleep actually causes flares. However, I don't think that means that you shouldn't take the effects of your work on your health any less seriously. I'm sure you know it all already - it could well worsen your digestive symptoms, especially if your work is also resulting in you having poorer eating habits (rushing your eating, eating on the go, etc.).

I've found doctors go the other way - my doctors are always trying to stop me doing things. I expect it comes down to the individual doctor. I can understand why he wouldn't want to discourage patients from working, if they are well enough to do so.

I think that unless finding another job is likely to be difficult for you, or unless your current job is your dream job and you really don't want to let it go, you should leave it regardless of its impact on Crohn's, as from the sound of it it's far from ideal in its effects on your physical health and mental stress.

Unless working part-time is an option?
That's a tough place to be. I can't tell you that yes, this will cause a flare.

This is based on your own observations of your personal experience - do you have any stronger evidence that lack of sleep will definitely cause a flare?
This is based on your own observations of your personal experience - do you have any stronger evidence that lack of sleep will definitely cause a flare?

I agree with UnXmas. The evidence is not really there.

However, since sleep is intertwined with a properly functioning immue system it's reasonable to hypothesize that lack of sleep could cause immune dysregulation.

Yet, even if so, each individual has different sleep needs. Also, are we talking acute or chronic deprivation, and are we talking total sleep time, REM? It's really hard to make a blanket (no pun intended) statement about sleep and IBD. Also, the lack of sleep in some folks could be related to external stress, medications, other illnesses, so perhaps it's not the actual lack of sleep but external factors causing the flare.

Very hard to say, so I would avoid a definitive statement either way.
I didn't say lack of sleep causes a flare.
Although I didn't make that clear as I reread my post. (I my own poor way I was trying to say I can't difinatively say lack of sleep will cause a flare)

I have found it difficult to maintain those long hours and I've never been better of for working long hours.

Asher will need to see how it goes...that's all.

Sorry for my lack of clarity.
While it may not cause a flare, I have found late nights/lack of sleep always coincides with active crohn's. I cannot say that it causes it, but I do know that proper sleep is required for proper healing, so it is possible that it allows the crohn's to get a foothold that your body cannot fight off. You know yourself better, but for me this would have my body screaming "Don't do it!" Listen to your body on it, maybe yours will (hopefully) scream something else.
Thanks so much for the advice!

This job is actually my dream job, but that I was until I got sick and now it makes me nervous to go back to work. I don't have quick access to bathrooms so I'm nervous of having a flare while I'm there. I know I shouldn't let this rule my life, but I wonder if I just went to an office job if it'll all be easier on me. Sigh.

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