Lactose intolerance blood test

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Jan 11, 2012
Has anyone had it done? Or your kids? Devynn will be having it done this Friday. The breath hydrogen test came back with a whacky reading, turns out it was because she didn't brush her teeth. BUT we were told not to. So on the advice of some people here and after talking to our dr we have decided to do the blood test. They said its a 3 hour test and she will be poked every 30 min (I think.. correct me if I'm wrong please). She has to fast for 9 hours before. They told me the drink is bad:ack:.. how bad is it? I'm hoping that bad for most people isn't really THAT bad for our kids, who are used to a whole lot of different nasty drinks??? :pPlease tell me yes :wink:
Wish us luck! I know she is NOT going to be happy.
Sorry, no experience... but good luck!!! I hope the drink isn't too nasty! :ghug:
Ive had the breath one done myself, but not the blood one.
Sorry no advice, but I do wish her the best of luck ! :)
Hope her test goes well. Didn't even know there was a test like that available. I am very curious to hear about it.
:eek:rder: FW

I said it once ... I will say it again
I only "know"
What my kid has or at one time tested for.

Lactose intolerance was not something he has had an issue with.

As far as the lab coat/glasses comment-FW you can

But you can't hide
I will remember it .........( evil laugh):wink::tongue:
Sorry, too new to the game here to help. I hope it isn't any worse than a glucose tolerance test...
Thank you all. I'm sure the drink won't be THAT bad... its the blood I'm worried about. I wouldn't want to be poked over and over.
We have not had the test but the blood draw should involve one poke to place a butterfly or other draw device. then they should draw blood every thirty minutes for two hours, four draws, to complete the lactose toleranace test.

The hard part is the lactose shake.... my daughter has a hard time with any of these drinks from radiology contrast drinks to nutritional shakes. They all taste awful and hurt her stomach. The heavy fluids hit her stomach like a brick and she wants to stop.
I do not have any solutions to help with the drink. I have tried them all from bribery to treats and it all comes down to the doctor or nurse administering it. Some can talk her through it some not.

Good luck!
Thank you Wildanimalpark. They told me they don't leave the butterfly in, they will poke her for every draw. I called every lab I could find in my area and was told the same thing at each one. I was told if we choose to do it in hosp, they could do a butterfly. But when I called, they said no they won't do the lactose test there.
See if your doctor will prescribe some EMLA cream then. You can put this on with a tegaderm to cover it and it will numb the area. We use it for most blood draws that Jaedyn has and it usually works great. The lab technician wipes it off and draws the blood. We usually put it on before going to the lab so it has time to work.
More from the web......

LACTOLE is a brand of lactose fluid for the lactose tolerance test and its maker descibed it as a "slightly carbonated cola taste product" " Many people describe it as too sweet?"

It does sound better than the X-RAY drinks. It sounds as if it is similar to glucose tolerance drinks that are available in many flavors.

Hope this helps a bit.

Good luck
Carol, we can't use Emla. She is either allergic to that or the clear tape that goes over it. We used it before for some kind of needles (can't remember which ones) but she was so itchy she was crying. We ended up taking it off long before it numbed her and her skin was red and sore.

Wildanimalpark, thank you! Lets hope this is easier than the xray crap and it HAS to be better than the picosalax! haha

Upsetmom, Thank you! I sure will :)
Thats ok, I'm sure she will do fine. She has gotten so much better with blood work. When we first started on this journey, she had to be held down to get blood. It was awful. They NEEDED to get the blood ASAP because she was so sick, but it was heart wrenching watching them hold her down.:( Just thinking about it makes me sad.
We use Lidocaine cream for the blood draws. It takes about 25 minutes to numb. We are suppose to use a tegaderm patch with it but those hurt worse than the blood draw! One of our nurses suggested Saran wrap, it works like a charm.

Good luck (((((Hugs))))))
Emla is lidocaine and prilocaine. So, I guess she could still have a problem. Unless it's the tegaderm that bothers her. I am allergic to adhesives in band aids and it can be very painful and irritating.
She's never had any reaction to bandaids and believe me.. she was The bandaid queen for a looong time! lol
mlp thank you, I've heard of Buzzy but had no idea if it really worked. I will ask about it. Were just going to a lab for the test.
Thats great Mary. I'm going to ask about it, but I really doubt they have it. This is just a lab, as the hospital won't do the tests.

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