Large red welt and subcutaneous edema at injection site???

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Mar 11, 2015
Hello all.

I've been on Humira since November of last year. I was also on prednisone forever it seemed like, and had no issues with the Humira. Once I was finally weaned off the prednisone, I started getting an injection site reaction where I gave myself my Humira shot. I would develop a firm, raised, red welt that was extremely itchy for 4-5 days. Well, last time I developed an extra large welt (about 4 inches in diameter) and developed subcutaneous edema under my belly skin, and it really hurt. My gastroenterologist recommended taking Benadryl prior to my injection...but I already take zyrtec daily. He said to still try the Benadryl and see if that works better.

Anyone experience this? I'm scared...if it happens again, my doctor said we will need to switch medications. I am just so tired of my bad luck...not wanting to try and go through the ringer of finding a new medication.

Any words of wisdom would be nice. Thanks!
I had this reaction with Remicade, not so much with Humira. I had to take Benadryl before my infusions, and it did help for a while, then I had to do 4 days of prednisone to control the reactions. Zyrtec does not contain the antihistamine that is in Benadryl. So I hope that next time the Benadryl will do the trick for you. Hope this helps.
I use to have the red, itchy welt with humira ALL the time. Been on it 5.5 yrs now and barely ever get the welt anymore