Senior Member
Here's the down n dirty on me. Pain levels are still low, almost none existent.
But, my BM scale is way down, 3's N 4's the last 4 days now. Energy levels are way down.. memory is so so, and my mental faculties (sp) are muddled again. Last nite, just to add insult to injury, my hot n cold spells returned. My next GI appointment is a month away, hoping things will turn around before that, otherwise will be difficult to convince doc to refill my 'script'.
So, despite this unfathomable set-back, I'm trying to remain optimistic. But, a very bad realization came over me yesterday. I made an assumption, and it was a big assumption. I assumed that the 11% who failed to respond to LDN treatment did so from the get go. But what if some/all of them started off like me, then in mid-course, it all simply stopped working? That's a worry that is hard to compartmentalize. I try fighting that thought with a hope the setback is due to either a flare of my IBD, or a secondary infection of some kind that is putting a strain on my immune systems capacity. The fact that I am not displaying any symptoms of this imagined second ailment does not bode well. And if it is a flare of my IBD, what does it say for LDN?
But, my BM scale is way down, 3's N 4's the last 4 days now. Energy levels are way down.. memory is so so, and my mental faculties (sp) are muddled again. Last nite, just to add insult to injury, my hot n cold spells returned. My next GI appointment is a month away, hoping things will turn around before that, otherwise will be difficult to convince doc to refill my 'script'.
So, despite this unfathomable set-back, I'm trying to remain optimistic. But, a very bad realization came over me yesterday. I made an assumption, and it was a big assumption. I assumed that the 11% who failed to respond to LDN treatment did so from the get go. But what if some/all of them started off like me, then in mid-course, it all simply stopped working? That's a worry that is hard to compartmentalize. I try fighting that thought with a hope the setback is due to either a flare of my IBD, or a secondary infection of some kind that is putting a strain on my immune systems capacity. The fact that I am not displaying any symptoms of this imagined second ailment does not bode well. And if it is a flare of my IBD, what does it say for LDN?