Left message with doc this morning

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Jun 20, 2010
Having extreme pain lower left side.

I have been dealing with a diagnosis of Crohns, ileum since June. Colonoscopy & pill camera shows inflammation & ulcers in ileum. My symptoms have been primarily extreme nausea, pain in lower left side of stomach. Almost like a pinching pain. Doc did blood test for Crohns that came back negative but still says yes I have. Put me on Pentasa & Entocort back in June. Started to feel much worse and had to stop the Entocort due to rash. So I have only been on the Pentasa 2 500 mg x 3day without much relief. I have read a lot of posts and it seems that many have been put on prednisone. Does this usually help relieve pain & nausea or will it just make me feel worse. My doctor did say something about prednisone but I think he didn't want to put me on it and I can't remember the reason. Need some advice on what to ask doctor. We are suppose to take a trip in 8 weeks and I am getting nervous that I am never going to feel good again.
Pred can help with most Crohn's symptoms, in the majority of patients (something like 70% remission rate). It treats most symptoms because it treats tje cause- the inflammation. However, it can have some very nasty side effects. For example, leaving aside the cosmetic ones, it can cause mood disorders, osteoporosis, and can interfere with existing medical conditions such as diabetes. It may just be that your doc wanted to try entocort first as it is a similar med but has less side effects. Or there may be something in your medical history that makes hge doc think you are at increased risk of serious side effects. But you need to tell the doctor that the Pentasa just isn't working for you, and ask what your other options are. You could keep a symptom diary- record each episode of nausea, severity, duration etc so you can show the doctor.
Ive been on Pentasa and Entecort for a while and had some relief but not anything what I needed. This last flare put me in the hospital for a week and on Prednisone and Remicade. I think Im feeling much better on the Pred, but only time will tell. I do have some side effects such as moodiness, impatience, and feeling like Im climbing the walls....but if it offers relief from the disease....Ill try it. I wish you luck and keep us posted.
When I have really needed it, predinosone has pulled me through the worst of my flares. From there, we've tried different things to help keep the CD under control from there. It does have it's side effects, but most of the meds do.
I was interested to read that your pain is on the left side with ulcers in the ileum. I also have ileal disease, but most of my pain is on the right. My daughter's CT showed thickening of the ileum also- her pain is on the left.Her ped GI dr. said that was not possible...of course I know it is (he's a real butt), but I'll let her know I found someone else out there with her same symptoms. All of our bellies (and other parts) are so different in reacting to this same disease and same treatments. I hope you have a good visit with your GI- You may want to ask what the long term plan is once you taper off the prednisone.
Feel better!
Prednisone weakens your bones by reducing its density. New Zealand doctors wont let us be on it more than 6 weeks.
If it helps, my Crohns was found in the ileum joining the large colon and any pains /cramps I have are on the left side too!! The doc and i both think it may be when things block up a but it pushes onto my large intestine and makes me cramp and have to evacuate!
Same issue for me, my GI said it was because I am having "referred pain" -- i.e., the pain is felt other than where it is actually occurring. He gave an example of appendicitis, where many people first feel it below their navel, and later at the site of the appendix itself. But, as he pointed out, the appendix doesn't move during this time. It's just the sensation of the pain is different.

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