Let's Rename Crohn's Disease

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Punctuation Impaired
Aug 3, 2009
So I was out with a group of friends and they were asking me how I am feeling and an acquaintance asked what is wrong with me...I hate this question because when you tell them you have Crohn's Disease they look at you like...what the heck is that?
I really don't like to tell people the embarassing details so I just say it's an auto-immune disease that attacks the digestive system. (I wish I could say it's this horribly painful disease that makes you have diarrhea at least 10 times a day. And most days its hard to tell if you have a stomach virus or if it's the disease. I wish crohn's had a different name. The name Crohn's sounds like something that elderly people have...Like "look at that old crohn".
My Question is IF you could rename this disease what would you name it?[/SIZE]How about... Is That You Or The Dog Disease?
Or...Excuse me, Where Is Your Bathroom Disease? Or...Whoa I Almost Didn't Make It Disease...
Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

It is what it is. Naming it something else doesn't change things. Unfortunately, it is already well on its way to becoming more prevalent in the general populace. Therefore, more folks will have heard of it.

No one set out to contract Crohn's Disease. It is not self-inflicted. We are victims. We should not feel ashamed. As sufferers our job is to send out the word. It is not a brand name that consumer focus groups need to be polled on.

Sorry for spouting off.
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i get embarrassed calling it crohn's disease too because not everyone is affected in the same way and as soon as people find out you have it, they google it and all the worst symptoms or complications associated with crohn's are seen and they think that's what's happening to you.

i don't have diarrhea either, so it's kinda annoying that people will automatically assume i do. (which is understandable, but still, i always have to correct them and say 'actually... i don't get that symptom, there are some cases where you don't have that symptom, though it's much more common to have diarrhea)

also, the fact that it's called crohn's DISEASE.

to someone i don't know, i would just say that i have food allergies that cause me bad cramping/inflammation.... or that i have an overactive immune system...

it's nobody's business.... i get away with saying 'oh, just health stuff...it's complicated but i'm fine' type of comments if i don't feel like discussing it.
InFlameatory Bowel Disease.

Can someone call the fire department My Butts A Blazin Disease.
Ha ha I acually tell people 'I HAVE A REALLY BAD STOMACH' saying I have a really bad bowl would be far more effective in them working out what happens to me.

A bit more embarassing though.
I wouldn't care what it was named, only because what I go through would still have to be explained to the laymen out there. I could call it "violent uncontrollable anal geyser syndrome" and still have to lay it all out to people (nobody seems to take euphemisms or hints).

To me, Crohn's Disease sounds formal and "sugar-coated"...that way I dont' have to mention symptoms, if they ask, I tell them my immune system is mistakenly attacking my digestive system and won't stop. That's usually the end of it, as they can either get the hint and back off in their "interview" and if they still don't get the inference, and ask how that affects me, I tell them it's like a permanent case of food poisoning or really bad flu, and there's no cure. "ohhh.....".....:yrolleyes:
Alien Invasion of the Bowel.

well thats what it feels like sometimes :(

seriously, i always say Crohn's Disease when asked what's wrong.. depending of whether the questioner then gets a glazed or interested look, i either just mumble something about it being like colitis, or go on to elaborate about the immune disorder thing..
Well, going off of Dingbat's post, maybe ET's glowing red finger is really a hot poker, and that'd explain the blood and pain?
DanM said:
I would name it Jennifer Disease after an old girl friend of mine. She was a soul sucking bitch that would ruin your life if she was part of it... It just seems to fit.

DanM said:
I would name it Jennifer Disease after an old girl friend of mine. She was a soul sucking bitch that would ruin your life if she was part of it... It just seems to fit.


But you guys are still friends, right?
i hate this name,i live in Syria so A-this disease is rare here and seems like no one ever heard of it and B-crohn sounds really weird in arabic so ppl say"what is that? Krol?did u say crond
then the ugly part when u have to explain,am already sick of it
but i guess crohn is easier name than the one of the first surgeon who dicovered it,i can't imagine having it as a Leśniowski disease
DanM said:
I would name it Jennifer Disease after an old girl friend of mine. She was a soul sucking bitch that would ruin your life if she was part of it... It just seems to fit.


LMAO! my name is Jennifer too, but I still laughed at that!
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Shantel said:
Geez GJG - don't make us have to post the "this is supposed to be funny" icon next to this post!! :O) JUUUUST KIIIIDING!! I do hear you....the more people that know, the more people would understand.

In my opinion, we didn't ask for it, we don't name it. It is what it is.

I'm all for having a sense of humor about it. Right now our best bet is to latch onto whatever public recognition already exists and expand on it. Especially since the numbers of sufferers are growing.
Usually we have the serious threads being taken off topic. This is supposed to be a fun thread. Wow.
(Probably should have been in 'anything goes' instead of 'IBD discussion", but that's not really the issue.)

If you can pronounce that then I am TOTALLY gonna lobby to have the name changed.
(It stands for my butt hurts my belly hurts I sometimes have pain and bleed my joints hurt my fistula leaks I may need surgery maybe even several times sometimes I have diahrrea twelve times a day sometimes I have constipation my eyes hurt I have mouth ulcers I am exhausted I have medicinal side effects I crap my pants I have to run to the bathroom in 6 seconds or less I can't do road trips my skin is rashy I am hyper on pred I am an emotional wreck.)
I think I got most of Crohn's in there...
LMAO- guys, there are some pretty hilarious responses here. I'm glad I read it, it gave me a bit of a pick me up (not doing so well the past couple days, so every smile counts double).

Out of everything mentioned, I'd go with the Jennifer Disease, just because I thought it was flippin' funny.

But as for my own suggestions... When I'm talking with my family, I always say that my pooper is broken, lol. So how about the broken pooper disease? I mean, how much more simple and blunt can you get??

But for friends and such, I just usually say Inflammatory bowel disease, and I usually say it's where my immune system is bonked up and is attacking my own digestive system by mistake.
I do regret all the Old Crohn snips I offered on the way to my Mother-in-Laws now that we share this affliction.

And the Alien thing does seem pretty accurate. I do recall asking a young GI intern to please cut out the alien baby in my guts before it chewed its way out.

Ripley's Revenge! Alien part 7. Millions of Alien eggs released into the water system and are growing inside us. . . .. .
well i normally just say crohn's and have to explain. And that does get tiring. especially having to tell the same people over and over again.
But i like some don't have the big "D". Luckily i don't have that one. But all these freakin' pains and aches.
I'd say it is much, much more then just inflammatory bowel disease. This is my f*&King immune system going ape **** disease. or M.F.I.S.G.A.S.D. <- not sure on how to pronounce it?
IF you could rename this disease what would you name it?

The gut rot tear gas machine.
Taking into account we are 5 in a millon of peolple, I woul call it
why-me! disease.

Keeping jokes aside, I realized that refering to this as "Inflamatory Bowel Disase" is better than "Crohn Disase" because the first is more self-explanatory.
cheeky said:
i get embarrassed calling it crohn's disease too because not everyone is affected in the same way and as soon as people find out you have it, they google it and all the worst symptoms or complications associated with crohn's are seen and they think that's what's happening to you.

i don't have diarrhea either, so it's kinda annoying that people will automatically assume i do. (which is understandable, but still, i always have to correct them and say 'actually... i don't get that symptom, there are some cases where you don't have that symptom, though it's much more common to have diarrhea)

also, the fact that it's called crohn's DISEASE.

to someone i don't know, i would just say that i have food allergies that cause me bad cramping/inflammation.... or that i have an overactive immune system...

it's nobody's business.... i get away with saying 'oh, just health stuff...it's complicated but i'm fine' type of comments if i don't feel like discussing it.

Same here. Actually even though I've told most of my friends by now, they always forget or dont' understand what the problem is so they're always asking me why I'm not drinking/eating. The secret disease!
I like that shart-itis one.

As I'm running to the bathroom its common for me to yell, "fire in the Hole" so I'd have to call it Fire in the hole disease! :tongue: :)
The Days Of Sassy Knickers Are Over disease.... DOSKAO.....ok I know its crude, but I think twice before selecting something lacy from the drawer these days... oh yes....I now wear HUGE undies!

(Shart-itis is more socially acceptable in big knickers you know)...
Knickers sounds more like it's about the NBA and Patrick Ewing than kinky female-wear to a Yank like me... :tongue:
MBH wins for being so spot on, haha. I like "Fire in the Hole" too, it works on a few different levels, hahaha. What about "Where is your bathroom?" disease?
I vote we call it the ****-Tastic disease! LOL So when someone asks you how your feeling and your having a ******** day you can say "I feel ****-Tastic" :)
Lishyloo said:
ARSE LOTTO...you never know if you're gonna be a winner or a loser....:poo:
Is it good to be a winner or a looser in that lotto? I am definitely a winner but does that really make me a looser?? HEE! HEE!
My Butt Hurts said:
Usually we have the serious threads being taken off topic. This is supposed to be a fun thread. Wow.
(Probably should have been in 'anything goes' instead of 'IBD discussion", but that's not really the issue.)

If you can pronounce that then I am TOTALLY gonna lobby to have the name changed.
(It stands for my butt hurts my belly hurts I sometimes have pain and bleed my joints hurt my fistula leaks I may need surgery maybe even several times sometimes I have diahrrea twelve times a day sometimes I have constipation my eyes hurt I have mouth ulcers I am exhausted I have medicinal side effects I crap my pants I have to run to the bathroom in 6 seconds or less I can't do road trips my skin is rashy I am hyper on pred I am an emotional wreck.)
I think I got most of Crohn's in there...

LOL...Laughter is the best medicine right? Yeah were all sick but it is o.k. to have fun with it. We all cry enough already lets have some fun!
In re: to the conference post. Could you imagine us all at a conference....eh hum yes uh such and such conference center there are a few special accomadations we may need such as port a potties in every conference room and extra packs of granny panties, baby wipes oh and yes little packs of complimentary pain meds wouldn't hurt either.

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