hello everyone. i am actually experiencing a flare up right now. i feel like i can have an obstruction at any moment if i continue eating food. liquid diets help SO SO much. if you are experiencing a flare-you must do a clear liquid diet for a couple of days at least. also try a gentle laxative like Miralax if you are constipated & are experiencing symptoms of an obstruction. then if i could recommend anything to everyone would be-AVOID over the counter drinks such as Ensure, Boost, Slim Fast, ect..because if you to read the label, they are LOADED with chemicals and ingredients we don't eve know how to pronounce. if you CANNOT pronounce it-it means your body cannot digest it. keep it in mind. what do i do then? i buy fresh produce. i blend, puree and juice at home. all natural. i try to buy organic but its too expensive. i also DO NOT consume dairy. we should all get tested for lactose intolerance because crohn;s patience are more susceptible to being intolerant. i truly believe-especially now that i am going through this flare-meat should be removed from the diet as well-or at least the portions should be smaller. go veg. there is a substitute for everything now-a-days. we can replace meat, dairy and sweets with so many various options. the challenge is: can we as auto immune disease fighters stay consistent to remain in remission. every time i have a flareup-it motivates me to correct my mistakes and find new ways to keep myself healthy. good luck. if most of your meals have to be liquid due to scar tissue from surgeries, your GI track is not absorbing nutrients or your intestines are narrowing..so be it. life is too short to be stuck in bed. life is meant to be lived to the fullest. & if we have our health-that's all we need to make EVERYTHING beautiful.