lol that kitten just passed out cold. those were some cute kittens.
its a commercial for some kitty shower, its sposed to be funny cuz the guy is talkin about how much cats like it and then the cat freaks out but i think its pretty cruel.
These are great! Although some of them are kind of painful to watch.
There is a rather famous kitty from Japan named Maru who has his own blog/youtube channel. (Note - link is in Japanese). I also like to get my cute kitteh/animal fix at
I love animals, but I would say I'm not really a cat person.
BUT, Maru is the sweetest furball on the planet! I get such a kick out of his page - no matter what, it always brightens my mood.
Go to Post Reply then click the Attachments icon (looks like a paperclip). left click, upload a file from your computer by browsing for it, click on it and click Open (or just double click on it) and then click Upload.
You'll want to resize your own images though cause no one likes a stretched screen where all they can see is up a cats nose and have to scroll left and right.
Ya. Its a safe dye used on animals. There's actually a place here in town that adds colors. You can make your animal look like any animal (panda tiger etc.) or like a pikachu.
Google image search "dyed animal" and you'll see some pretty cool ones.