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Nov 12, 2010
Well, I've been gone for a long time. Every once in awhile we all need breathing room. :ybatty:

I just wanted to say I've taken great comfort and that blessed feeling of "we are not alone" when I've been on the forum tonight. That is why we all need to be here.

As for my peanut, things aren't going well. Fecal cal back up to 734. Stupid thumb red, hot swollen & unusable Had a long talk with her Rheumatologist today. He, the GI & I are going to have a summit to see about changing the course.

We've all been there, right???

Love, J.

DustyKat - Get that damn black dog off my porch. :shifty-t:
It's great to hear from you again. I hope your peanut is back on the road to recovery very soon.

How long does her JRA flares usually last? Just curious as Grace in December was dx with JRA. She's still flaring but hopefully getting better.

Hugs to you both.:ghug:
Sorry to hear things aren't great. Hope they come up with a good plan to improve things soon!
Great to see you back and I second the comment "we are not alone", the support here is wonderful, I hope things improve for you guys x
Oh man Julie. :(:(:( I am so, so sorry to hear this. :ghug:

I hope the docs are able to come up with a good plan and Claire is soon feeling on top of things again, bless her. :heart:

Sending loads of love, luck and healing thoughts your way.

Dusty. xxx
Ugghh, am sorry to hear that Claire's not doing well!!! I hope the 'summit' can bring you some answers and a solid plan to get her feeling well again!

Glad you are back but sorry to hear your peanut is not doing well! Hope things improve quickly! Keep us posted.
Y'all are sweet. Thank you. :kiss:

FW - While joint pain is common for us, the swelling and pain is not. Third mcp joint on right hand is now swollen. ESR was normal (which is weird). CRP is elevated (which is also weird, we ALWAYS have normal CRP).

She says she doesn't want steroids. I told this to our sweet Rheumatologist. We are pondering a steroid injection in a joint or two if things don't improve with the low does of Meloxicam.

In the meantime, preparing for GI summit next week. Y'all wanna warn him? :rof:


Hi Julie, I'm sorry to hear things are not going great :(
I haven't been around in ages either. Devynn is not doing great right now either. We think the stress of school and having some problems in school is exasperating her IBD. Her NP think "its JUST ibs, not IBD" since all her tests from months and even years ago looked good !?!?!
I sure hope your peanut is feeling better real soon. ((((((hugs))))))
I so enjoyed CarolinAlaska's photo that I decided to share a more recent one of Claire. It's been awhile!!! This was about 3 weeks ago when her class spent a week at the Space & Rocket Center in Hunstville, AL. Great experience and a fun class shirt designed by one of her friends. Hope everyone is having a good week.......

48 hours until GI visit. Woot Woot!

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OH MY GOSH! When will I figure out how to not post a life sized photo. :rof:
What a gorgeous girl!
Hope the GI comes up with something. Both my daughters have juvenile arthritis (now ankylosing spondylitis) and the younger also has IBD so I know how miserable it can be.
Fab pic J, love it! :):):)

Sending loads and loads and loads and loads of luck for the appointment. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Cheryl’s son Gus (vtfamily) is on Stelara J and so is Livilou’s daughter, Liv. :)
Thanks ladies. I won't stalk the Stelara moms unless we are going to proceed.

The GI visit last week was frustrating for all of us, including her dear GI, so I'm just now posting about it. In a nutshell, our options still suck due to the ATM all those years ago. So......temporary effort to quell the inflammation that (based on her pain) is very low in the large bowel......we are back on the enema train. We are doing the hydrocortisone enemas in the morning and the mesalamine in the evening for 21 days. We have also increased the weekly methotrexate injection to 1.0ml. (That's an increase from 0.8)

The hand inflammation has lessened but is still painfully obvious. Claire will tell you it doesn't hurt as bad as her stomach.

The GI is planning to talk to his adult colleagues that are using Stelara and work on a plan B that's sustainable. This was my request. When he told us about the enemas, Claire started silently crying and wouldn't speak. She finally told him she'd rather take steroids. He told her he couldn't give them to her since she's finally exhibiting systemic effects from the Uceris....growth has completely stopped for about a year and she has unwanted hair in addition to the puffy cheeks....sigh. Then she said to him "please make my medicine a pill". He told he was so sorry that there's not a pill to give her and hugged her and told her she would be okay. It was heart-wrenching to see her shrink into herself. She's always been a force to be reckoned with and it just took the wind out of her sails.

We stayed in there for a bit. The nurse came and I told her we weren't finished and shut the door. Quite frankly, I shut it more than a little hard to kick her out. After she cried a few minutes, Claire said, "This isn't fair." I said, "No, it isn't." She said, "Mom, I'll be okay, right?" and I said, "Yes." Dying a little inside because while they will all be fine, it is never okay that they have to fight this stupid disease.

I've shamelessly bribed her with $$ for a shopping spree to complete these enemas without a fight. I just can't punish her for not wanting to do it.

Then, last night, the hubs and I wrote a long personal email to our long-beloved Rheumatologist who's known Claire since the original arthritis diagnosis at age 3. Followed that up with a telephone conversation today. He is second to none.....such a great physician and even better person. Anyway, he well understood my concerns following the last visit. He's talking to GI anyway about her hand so I wanted him to know what I was thinking before they chatted. We see them both in about four weeks and so he changed her appointment so we could all talk together about how we are going to proceed.

Okay, enough pity party, there are too many of you having an even tougher time than we are. The girl and I high-fived just a little while ago after the evening enema and said, "3 down, 39 to go".

Hugs to you all and even bigger hugs to all our precious children,

AZMOM - we're never "met" but I wanted to say how sorry I am for your poor little girl.
Both my daughters have arthritis so I know how much it sucks.
I'm assuming anti-TNFs aren't a possibility for Claire, which is why you're looking into Stelara? We also have been discussing Stelara with our GI/rheumatologist since my younger daughter doesn't respond well to anti-TNFs (she's tried Enbrel, Humira twice and Remicade twice). Her Crohn's is relatively mild, but her arthritis is severe.
I don't know where you live but I know they're using Stelara at Mount Sinai in NYC. It will apparently be approved next year for Crohn's (not fast enough!). Vedolizumab will be approved later this year I think (though not sure it well help her joints?). I wish there were more (and better) options.
Hang in there!
Big hugs your way ...
We had a similar situation with DS and that was just the canasa suppositores .
I have never see him so distraught .
Thankfully DS miraculously fixed his rectum/lower colon since enemas were next on the list .
Has she had a second opinion recently at any of the larger hospitals - not that they would have more drugs options but maybe a fresh set of eyes sorta thing...,
Thanks Maya! Nice to "meet" a kindred spirit. :) I'm so sorry that both your girls battle arthritis. Nothing seems easy, does it?? Are either/both of your girls Rheumatoid Factor+?

Claire's story is on this crazy forum somewhere - probably the ancient history section. :) Here's the cliff notes. :)

Claire had complete remission of her JRA on Enbrel. Enough to where we had dropped the Methotrexate and were cruising along about a year, pondering stopping the Enbrel at some point. Unfortunately during our "dream vacation" to Hawaii she become unable to pee. Literally. And then lost bowel control. After an emergency flight home, urinary workup, etc etc etc and me telling everyone who would listen that she was on Enbrel, they did an MRI. She had a lesion at T9 (I think to T11....its' been awhile) and was diagnosed with Acute Transverse Myelitis. The day they called I typed in "Enbrel Acute Transverse Myelitis" to the computer and up popped the black box warning. That would be the same day I fired the Neurologist who had ordered the MRI and said Enbrel "shouldn't have caused this type of problem".

I called her Ped Rheum (this was during the two years we lived in another state) who reported the adverse event to the FDA and we stopped the Enbrel immediately. Her bowel and bladder function returned to normal. Then literally 9 days after she stopped the Enbrel she had a massive GI bleed. Two weeks inpatient and scope later, the Crohn's was diagnosed. Theory at the time was that the Enbrel kept her just suppressed enough (and the fact that at that age she would NOT admit something hurt) to keep the Crohn's off the radar.

And as they say......the rest is history.....history in the making, anyway.

Thanks again for the comments on the Ustekinumab and Vedolizumab!! I'm hungry for info as we work on our plan B.

MLP - Thanks. Isn't it awful to take comfort knowing someone else has struggled with the "bottom medicine" conversations?!?!?

We were at Cinncy when her JRA was first dx. Her Rheum there relocated to take over Vanderbilt Childrens right about the time we left the state. He had stayed in touch with us the couple of years we were away and helped me pick the team when we returned.

I've pondered (and talked to him) about if we are to the point we need a second set of eyes yet. I don't know that we are there yet but if we can't improve her quality of life with the current plan AND can't all agree on a plan B, then my southbound roadtrips can go back to northbound. Cinncy isn't that far.

Neither are RF+ actually but both are HLA-B27+. The type of arthritis they have affects the spine (and most of their other joints).

Actemra (tocilizumab) is another option that was presented to us. Not sure if it's being studied for Crohn's but it was just approved for juvenile arthritis. In M's case the arthritis is bad enough that they're willing to put her on something like 6-MP for Crohn's (she can't take mtx) and a biologic that works just for the arthritis (this is not ideal obviously, which is why I'm pushing for Stelara).
Xeljanz (tofacitinib) is another (oral!) drug that is in trials for Crohn's and approved for RA.

Can't believe what a journey you've had, sometimes these drugs work so well (for my older daughter at least) I forget how scary they are.
Julie, your post just broke my heart. :cry: I can just feel your pain in seeing her lose a bit of her spirit. But, from all you've said about her, I'm sure she will come through this fighting, strong as always (but, I agree that it is so unfair that any child should even need to fight this! :ymad:).

I can tell you that, as a child, I had juv. osteoporosis and, as it was quite rare, diagnosis and treatment literally took years. I was in hospitals for weeks at a time and subjected to lots of tests and treatments (often because they didn't even know what they were dealing with!) and, while I do remember some of the more painful/uncomfortable tests, it has not ever made me feel that my childhood was any less than great! If anything, the positive memories I have that relate to my illness are stronger and more vivid than the negative ones, ie I remember how excited I would be because I knew every visit to the hospital was followed by lunch or an ice cream and a walk around downtown (very big deal for me then ;)) - not so different from your shopping spree plans! :thumright: I also do believe it made me stronger and I grew up with the real knowledge that I could always overcome tough obstacles. While none of this will take away your pain at seeing her suffer now, maybe it will give you some comfort knowing that she will come through this and will come through strong and happy.

Lots of hugs!!! And wishes that the plan will work successfully and for a long time! :ghug:
J, I'm sorry things aren't going well. I hate this disease. Claire is right, "It's not fair"
Brian's wish to his team of doctors: "I want to eat, go to school, and play with friends. Can you help me?"

Prayers sent your way for a good plan
As I look over this forum, I see out the back- my son riding off on his bike with friends. (Just 2 1/2 weeks after surgery) So I'll add that; as devastating as the ileostomy surgery sounded to me a couple months ago ... It seems to be a good plan E! I feel like we outsmarted the crohns in his lower bowel. The GI wanted to 'Fight Another Day... and even see what the future holds by way of crohns research and medicine progress". Just adding this because if medicine seems to be running out... (Which I believed we were at) -hope doesn't. Hang in there J!
Oh J…:ghug::ghug::ghug:…my heart goes out to you both! :cry: I could picture so vividly what you wrote about the consult. :( Bless Claire’s heart and yours too! :heart:

Awww, how can you not have some sort of incentive with this crappy disease? I hope Claire has something special in mind. :)

I’ll take the black dog off you for a few days J so you can have peace of mind for a while. Take care mate. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
Well, you see, forum friends.....after you pour your guts out, good things can come from bad. Shocking as it seems :eek2:, Claire said, "You know, Mom, I HATE this bottom medicine but my stomach didn't hurt all day." How exciting is that?

And Dusty.....that girl could out shop all of us combined. It won't be one big thing that she buys but the million little things that she will drag me all over God's Green Acre to pick out that will make for a fun day. :rof:

I hope her perking up isn't a fluke! This could be a good.....

So fab to hear she is already getting results and fingers, toes and everything crossed that this is no fluke J! :heart:

Claire, you shop till you drop hun, either that or mum drops first! :eek2:

Dusty. xxx
So very glad to hear it!
Hope she shops up a storm, she certainly deserves it!
I was trying not to be totally surprised. Then I read the enema response can be as quick as 3 days. Crazy right? I guess rectal steroids are quick. Then I started thinking about those terrible articles where college kids were trying to get drunk by doing "beverage" enemas. Eek! I don't want to do this forever but I'm thankful she's getting relief.

I do solemnly swear that I'll take a picture of her with her "haul" when we shop at the end of the 21 days. :)

Stella got her groove back and just maybe.....,so has Claire. Last night after our hydrocortisone high five she doubled up her fists and said, "I'm gonna fight!" I (somewhat fearfully) said,"Fight what???" She grinned and said, "This disease!!!"

She's been fighting itonger than she knows but I was so thankful to see the twinkle in her eye and some spunk back. Thank goodness!!!!

Y'all have a great day!! I gotta get outta bed and go give another enema. ;)

You guys make my heart sing!

Dusty. :heart:
Hey everyone!

I just logged on today, and saw Kathy tagged me in a post regarding Stelara! Yes, my daughter Kayla has been on it for about a year now off label, and she is doing GREAT! She is a freshman at UF this year and has been loving college and feeling really well! Last scope was in December and her GI could already see improvement. We go for another scope May 9th and am HOPING they will see enough improvement from the Stelara to have her temp ileostomy reversed this summer! I am praying that this will happen! If you have any questions on Stelara, please feel free to ask me!!

Therese (Kayla's mom)
Therese - I'm hoping to have questions soon!!! I've asked Claire's GI to look into it since we can't do TNF blockers. Is your daughters story posted somewhere so you don't have to retype for me how you got to stelara?

Therese -I'm also very interested in Stelara and would really like to hear your daughter's story!
Hi again!

I don't know if I have her whole story completely posted anywhere on here, but in a nutshell....She was diagnosed at 12 years old with UC....was on EVERY med out there....you name it, she was on it...every biologic...everything! Things worked for a little bit, then they didn't. Started getting fistula's a couple of years ago, so re-diagnosed her now with Crohn's. During a routine colonoscopy, doctor perforated her colon, so had to get a temp ileostomy. Has had it now for almost 2 years. We will not see any doctors in our area anymore, and found Dr. Cangemi at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. We LOVE him! He is fabulous! After the last biologic failed (Cimzia), he started her on Stelara (one year ago) and its working!!! The last scope finally showed improvement! She has been feeling great, not been sick since starting it, and I am hoping for even better news next month after another scope that she might be able to get the ileostomy finally reversed!!!

It has been a long road for my daughter, but I am hopeful that Stelara is gonna continue to work for her! She gets an injection every 8 weeks!

Thanks so much Therese! What dose is she on 45mg or 90mg? I thought the shots were every 3 months?
Kayla is on 90 mg every 8 weeks! She did the loading doses every 4 weeks and now it's every 8. This has been the best treatment so far for her! I am not sure why other doctors are against using it for Crohn's, but if I were you, I would find a doctor that is open to it! Especially if your child has been on everything else like mine has :(
I'm with mugsymagoos!! We need options!! Especially when TNF blockers are out of the picture.
I wish I could find someone to prescribe it! Every doctor I have talked to has said they don't think insurance will cover it until it is approved for Crohn's.
TNF blockers don't work well for us so I have high hopes for Stelara.
Maya - I think Claire's doc is close.

Mugsymagoos - Is your health plan paying for the Stelara?
My insurance covered it immediately! I have United Healthcare. I think I was paying $60 per injection, and it just went up to $100 per injection. I know without insurance one injection is like $16,000!!!

Don't assume your insurance won't cover it because it's not approved for Crohn's yet! You just never know...I haven't heard of one person that is on it that does not have insurance coverage for it. I mean, who can afford $16,000 an injection???

Girl, at this point, I'd have a fundraiser!! :ybatty: I assume mine would have to cover since she can't have the others.
Tagging imaboveitall .... thought this conversation might be of interest to you! :)
I think that is why my insurance covered it immediately. My daughter was on all the other biologics and everything else under the sun. I am so thankful Stelara is working!!!
We have United Healthcare too! I'm going to call and ask. I think they'll probably require her to try Cimzia first.
It might work for you Azmom since C can't be on Anti-TNFs!
Hi All! My Olivia has now been on Stelara for a year and seems to be doing well! Like Kayla, Liv is enjoying her freshman year of college with minimal Crohn's complaints. Liv has had a couple of bumps in the road...had a nasty hemorrhoid in November that caused some bleeding, and complains of pain if she binges too much on junk food. Liv cannot be on anti-TNF's because she had thyroid cancer back in 2011. A doctor at Mt. Sinai suggested she start Stelara as she needs to be cancer free for at least 5 years before restarting anti-TNF's (she was on Humira when diagnosed with cancer).
Our insurance company is Oxford Freedom/United Health Care and they initially refused to pay for Stelara...I had to fight and appeal and thank goodness, I won. However, they refused to cover the loading doses and would only approve the drug if Liv got the every 8 week dosing...MD wanted her to start with every 6 weeks, but insurance just wouldn't go for it. I think perhaps missing the loading doses caused the Stelara to take longer to kick in.. like 6-7 months. At that point she was feeling okay and labs were perfect (even thyroid labs!). Liv gets 90mg every 8 weeks as well. If your insurance refuses to pay...fight for it...it worked for us. I am anxious to see what scopes show this summer...keeping everything crossed that Stelara is working for my girl! Kim
I really don't understand the dosing with Stelara. Our rheumatologist said that for psoriatic arthritis it is a 45mg shot every 12 weeks!
I really doubt that will be enough for my daughter which is why I want to get it through her GI but her GI isn't using it yet.
Therese, My son recently had an ileostomy too. Do you think that is also a big part of why Kayla is doing better or do you think it is all the stelara? Our Minnesota Mayo GI is keeping us on Cimzia even tho it didn't seem to be helping one bit before... So I guess this will be a good test for all us on the crohns forum. (Sad our kids are the testing specimens) But if he gets better too.... will make me wonder. He's doing good right now-pain free for the first time. We are also on a path to have the ileostomy for a couple years and then hope to reconnect. I really pressed for Stelara but our GI didn't want to give up just yet on Cimzia. I was surprised how expensive you said Stelara is!! But I love that 8 week course. Also, I was wondering if the Stelara injection hurts. I've heard from Gus's mom that it is painful.
Today, the girl turned 11. Today, she and I realized we only have 5 enema days left until her Momma has to PAY UP and head to the mall. Today, she got some fabulous presents for her birthday. Today, her left index finger swelled up even more with the stupid arthritis but she still insisted on curling her hair for school. Today, she couldn't enjoy her birthday dinner out because her stomach hurt yet still....she smiled. Today, the girl turned 11.

Yep, I've had a couple of cocktails (who could blame me - inlaws were here :ybatty:) but damn, I love this kid.

Hugs to all of these sweet babies - no matter their age.

Oh :birthday2: C! Hope your wonderful, fabulous girl has an equally fabulous shopping trip!



I hope your day has been a fantastic one Claire! :heart:

Dusty. :wub:​

No, I do not think it is just the ileostomy that is helping Kayla, I know for sure it is the Stelara. Kayla was also on Cimzia for a while when she had the ileostomy, and there was no improvement at all....her doctor even thought after a scope, that everything looked a little worse! That is when he started her on Stelara (about a year ago), and after the last scope (December) it was the first time he actually saw improvement! She has another scope on May 9th, so hoping for even more improvement and pray for surgery to reverse this summer! The injections do not hurt her at all. I give them to her myself and she is fine with them! Humira and Cimzia were a lot worse!


What a great girl!! Looking forward to hearing about the shopping trip!! :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your girl.

On the finger pains, does she have any custom finger splints? I hear they can be a big help but you want them custom made.

These dancing friends signal that tonight was the last of the 21 day, 2 a day, enemapalooza. She did it without a fit or fussing so it is time for me to hand over the cashola.

I'm glad to pay! Bless her heart. She's dying to shop this weekend but in case you aren't paying attention - it's Kentucky Derby weekend! No shopping until after Derby Day. This family has a big party to go to. :ycool:

She seems pretty good. All the fingers have calmed down and the stomach is good. I'll start counting the days tomorrow.......

Woohoo! Well done Claire and Mum! :dusty::dusty::dusty:

Fair Dinkum?! You don’t shop because of a bloody horse race?! The Melbourne Cup doesn’t stop me! :lol:

I reckon Claire deserves extra points for waiting till after a horse race!

Dusty. :kiss:
So glad it's all over!!!! :dusty:

Enjoy your party and can't wait to see pics of the shopping! :)

Made good on my promise today. The bags might be few but the spending was mighty. 👍👍👍
Woohoo! Go Claire!…..Chaaaaaaaaaaarge! :lol:

And doesn’t she look stunning! :wub:

I so hope she is feeling better J, bless her. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Awwwwww, shopping trips someone else pays for. Is there ANYTHING better.

She does look great and I hope she had a good time.
Julie, She's so pretty and growing up! When I first met you on this forum she was just a little girl! Remember all her funny quotes and that I wanted you to write a book! :) Time flies!!

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