Longest Flare EVER!

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Aug 2, 2009
Hey guys,

well following on from my changing gastros rant a couple weeks ago....still not feeling fab..

got sick around 5 weeks ago, where there were different mix ups with treatments for various reasons, the biggest being that i am in the middle of changing hospitals and gastros...and am in the middle of the system....not quite got in yet....have been in contact with a gastro registrar last week who is getting me in for a scope on friday finally...after so long!

so i had slight extension of my UC noted on a scope in june last year, same symptoms, passing blood, mucous, not excessive frequency but pain, and loss of appetite. from my usual 10-20 cms afffected colon it had increased to above 40 cms, and that is on maximum pentasa and azathioprine. So knew when i got back to the UK i will prob need to address my meds and look at changing them.

then i got ill there in jan, same symptoms, and started on the asacol then pred foam enemas, then had to move to oral prednisolone on a slow taper, first i've needed to use oral pred in years.

but its been over 5 weeks i've not been right! never been this long before..ever!

But i thought i would feel fab by now!its weds today and i am on my second week of prednisolone, tapered to 35mg on monday. i havent eaten properly in 2 weeks, i mean, i am managing small amounts of soup, or scrambled eggs, or shakes, and plenty fliuds, but nowhere near my usual intake....tried a pitta bread and hummus 2 nights back and my tum just swelled up, felt so bloated and crampy.

i mean the pred has worked in the sense that i have had no blood or mucousy BMs since starting. but i actually havent had any BMs for a few days, my last one was a bit loose and as described in another thread-decorated with pentasa pellets! My tum seems soft and everything, and i sometimes get a but of proximal constipation at the end of a flare, but really am unsure of my flare this time.

can normally set it by clockwork, 4-5 days of poor eating...loss appetite, bloody stools, start treatment, 2 days later back to normal or near enough!but feeling a bit odd cos its not clockwork. i wouldnt say i'm ill from the UC but prob the nutrition part of it...

like i know i am low of energy and feel tired and drained cos i am not eating well, i can make sense of that. I also know that my reduced BMs or lack thereof is because i am not really eating solid food. living on soup yay. and therefore losing weight because of that. but is this the UC or is it just me? am i now not eating cos i am used to not eating or is it still my flare? i am still bloated, but crampy, sore back, have little hunger and when i do it is transient.

it is stress? i feel i could sit and demolish a whole pizza but know i am not hungry for it, so i could eat, i just dont want to? is that weird?

The gastro reg i seen last week said it will take time to get back to normal cos i have spent so long flaring....and i will be seeing someone on fri anyway so can voice my concerns at my colonoscopy.

begin the bowel prep tomoro so only clear fliuds from 8am anyway, so prob lucky i am not that hungry! and that will sort out my BMs, wont be able to stop going to the loo in 24hours!

but just apprehensive i suppose about this change in my disease. the change in the control i have over everything...dont know where its headed, what they will find on friday if anything? and what they are gonna do with my meds, or are they gonna look at surgery again.... in fact what the new gastro team are gonna be like!

and i am still off work, never really had to take so much time off work with this either, feel really odd about that...

i dont know what i am really asking you guys! just wanted to get this all down on screen i suppose, you folk are badass therapists! hugs xx

just fed up, impatient and frustrated!
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Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time! I agree with you, might be time for a med change. Good luck with the scope on Friday...keep us posted and take care.
Erazer said:
give me a sec to read all this Mate
will get back to ya.........LOL
Not trying to start anything, but why not wait till you read to post then??

Anyway, Gibby, Im sorry your having such a hard time, but I think it might be time for some stronger meds. i went through the same thing when I was first figuring thing out. It sucks! All the waiting to see if a med will work of not and all the while just feeling worse! I hope they figure everything out on Friday, and they get you on something to get you feeling better :)
Sorry too hear ya struggling ATM

I know exactly what ya mean bout nothin workin like it should
I'm in middle of a flare that started bck august last year ( been off work since aug) nothing seems to be workin, the pred helps but hasn't fixed the problem

It could be cos you are flaring that you are depressed, depression can cause you too not feel hungry etc too.... ???

Hopefully ya get the news your after with your scope, and can start the correct Meds u need

good luck
Longest flare ever...I've been flaring the the enitre 19 yrs of having this stupid disease so I definitely get the frustration anyone feels with long flares.

hee hee cheers guys....

....yeah, just not too used to long long flares, used to frequent and fast! probably getting a bit down....got to try and sort myself out, i guess alot has gone on in the past few months, getting back from NZ, back to reality, back to my old job, old life, leaving pals out in NZ and coming back to scotland where other pals have moved elsewhere, having to change gastros, and getting a bit sicker, guess it all adds up eh!

gotta grow a pair i guess...there is far far worse things that could be happening to me, but they are not, so got to be thankful right?

just seeing it written down there kinda made me realise i am making a rather big deal about things....will wait and see what friday brings! hopefully nice shiny new meds and a handsome gastro....

well maybe not a handsome gastro....an orderly or porter would even do.... ;)

thanks guys xx
The first time I was in the hospital I had a hot nurse named Jonathon (I was so doped up though that I kept calling him Robert...lol). He made my stay very enjoyable...I've never pressed the call nurse button so many times! lol
Hi Gibby

just wanted to add like everyone else, rooting for you and hope they sort you out today with appropriate meds
try not to stress too much, I know, we do, but it'll make you more jittery
sorrry you're so sad, you've had such an upheaval lately which doesn't help, does it?
let us know hunny and good luck with scope
Joan xxx
Erazer this is the last I am going to menton of it on this thread cause I dont like to hijack.
I do understand wanting to be there for someone, but I said that because this is part of the reason for the big blow up in the lounge. Too many unnecessary and useless posts.
ok i have been away for a couple of days and have obviously missed the drama so the last couple of posts i will just quietly ignore.....

and just update you on my scope...well i got it done on friday, and wow, i wish i was back at my old hospital! i dont like this one......the nurses werent particularly nice nor would they let my sister past the main doors to wait with me...they actually turned round and said..."well there is no need for you to be here....."
of course there is! i wanted her there! jeez! then the nurse had the audacity to say after taking my obs and pulse and BP etc, "well you do seem nervous for someone who should be used to this procedure!"excuse me?well that was a good start....

but anyway, got my scope done, only did a flexi sigi in the end, went up to around 50 cm and noticed some ulcers low down and inflammation, and alot of polyps up high around the 40cm mark which i havent really had before....but they took lots of biopsies, and the scope was done by a nurse so i never even got to speak to a doctor about anything?! i was told really to just wait for my clinic apt to come through, and they will talk about changin my meds then.

so really have no reassurance or anything,. dont particulary feel much better about the whole situation....and have no idea when i am actually going to see a specialist. asked about my prolonged loss of appetite and got shrugged shoulders. they couldnt wait to get me out of there!

feel a bit deflated, but hey ho, at least i know that the pred has got a hold on the flare and there is no nasties hiding up there, but its just taking SO LONG! so impatient! so i am gonna head to my mums for some tlc next week while i wait on this miraculous appt to appear!

I'm sorry too hear that your scope wasn't a pleasant ordeal
some ppl really should consider a diff occupation with attitudes like that

glad too hear the pred is starting too help
and hope there's some good news once ya results are in
I know, i feel the job satisfaction wasnt there! and when they found out i was a nurse too, i was kinda asked why i didnt say anything...i said sometimes its not the first thing i say....to which the nurse then tried to get me to change my union because he was a representative for one! inappropriate or what.....and relax...
ahhh well new experiences and al that...thanks rob will keep you updated....will get there soon! hope you are doing ok too...

Sorry your Scope wasn't a great experience Gibby.....I rarley tell people I'm a nurse when I have tests or treatments done....It does change your care....Out here we always have surveys to complete or a follow up phone call. Do they do that in NZ?...It really does make you appreciate good care when you get. This experience will make you a better nurse in the long run:)
hi all - can anyone reccomend a good doc in the st. louis, Missouri area? I'm really struggling and my current doc is being difficult.