Looking for alternative routes to medication

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 3, 2016
Hi Everyone,
I was just recently diagnosed with crohn's disease. I have been struggling for years with no real diagnosis and I have been put on prednisone for 8 weeks!! I think this is crazy. I would like to never have to take medication again if possible and use a completely holistic route to treatment but I just dont know how. Does anyone have any suggestions? I was (until this diagnosis) an extremely healthy and active 21 year old but this medication just makes me feel tired and drained and I have been struggling to eat regularly due to pain and the fear of having to use the bathroom for 3 hours.:sign0085:
Hello and Welcome,
I am sorry to hear that you are suffering. I hope you feel better soon and get back on your feet.
To your question... as I see it Crohns nowadays is treated in 3 ways:
1) Meds
2) Surgery
3) Lifestyle
The goal is to achieve a deep and stable remission with mucosal healing.
Many times picking just one of the above won't be sufficient to get there...
So please, be aware, and make sure to get closely monitored. Do NOT let things go downhills.

As for lifestyle changes as a part of holistic treatment, check around the forum for: Supplements and Vitamins ; Ayurvada; Stress Relief and Management; Sports and Yoga; Diets (SCD, Paleo are the most popular I think).

Good luck. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
Hi Km1994 and welcome!

Your doctor can discuss lifestyle changes and treatment options with you so you can explore what might be a fit for your personal condition and preferences.

Here's a suggestion of some questions to ask the do from Mayo Clinic:

What treatments are available, and which do you recommend?
Are there any medications that I should avoid?
What types of side effects can I expect from treatment?
Are there any alternatives to the primary approach that you're suggesting?
I have other health conditions. How can I best manage them together?
Do I need to follow any dietary restrictions?

CCFA also has info about complementary and alternative (CAM) medicine on their website (vitamins, probiotics, mind-body medicine, etc)/