Lost control of my bowels

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Oct 12, 2009
I can't believe how embarassed I am to say this, but I am concerned about this problem I just had. My insurance is giving me hell and cancelled my coverage because of returned mail...right before my endoscopy. The doctor said I needed to do the endoscopy and to get the insurance taken care of. So....I'm still waiting for my insurance to kick in again so I can find if the doctor found anything. I had to cancel my follow-up with my pcp and my gastro. :( However, that's not the embarrassing part.
The gastro is still trying to find what is wrong with me other than my celiac. I've been suspecting crohn's. It's in the family and my whole GI system is screwed.

Okay...now onto the embarassing part.
Luckily I stayed in tonight because I felt some cramping in my lower intestinal area and was just feeling a bit off. So, I was sitting at my desk just doing some work and I lost control of my bowels. I have never had that happen before and now I am really scared. I sometimes get really bad urgency and cramping before I have to go but...this just decided to happen. Luckily I was able to run and finish in the bathroom.

Has anyone experienced this before? Should I be concerned and call the doctor?

I've had mucus in my stool for well over a week now and a lot of mucus in the d I had tonight. Idk, I am really scared. :*(
(awesome name, 10 gold stars:)

i don't think there's many here that haven't had that happen to us pewpew:(

i always treated it as a "ho-hum, another pants crap", my docs would get calls only when there's excess blood.

but if your tummys feeling like it wants a doc to look at it, then trust your feelings.
I called my Mom crying about it and she insisted to come and take me to the hospital. She does have a good point when she says that it's better to make sure its not life threatening. Makes perfect sense when I've had other issues and pain recently.
However, I know they will just give me a GI cocktail, some percocet and send me on my way.
hey pew pew :) (love it!)

well if youve never had incontinence before, then yes you need to let your doc know, but it shouldnt be an emergency ok? (and definitly not life threatning)!
a LOT of us on here have dealt with that situation. and it sucks and is so embarrasing, we know. but you dont have to be embarrased at ALL to tell us, we have all been through it and can laugh about it together :)
my episodes of pooing my pants has been for years kinda slow at first, i called it "leaky butt" cause my but just kinda, leaked. and then it became impossible for me to hold for more than 5 seconds. i had to get an ileostomy in april (NOT due to the incontinence alone, but because i had so much inflammation and all. SO dont worry that you are goona HAVE to have surgery, cause its not true ok?
on the flipside, some people have poo their pants problem when they are flaring badly, but then it goes away when the inflammation goes down! so theres a good chance that the problem will dissapear as you find a treatment that helps the disease for you.

the ways that i did my best to deal with it was wearing panty liners all the time, it gives you a little buffer time to get to a toilet before your pants are destroyed. and since my butt always leaked a bit i kept a gauze tucked in my bum cheeks to absorb that stuff and make it feel drier ya know? hopefully this problem doesnt happens only once in a while for you, but just in case, those were my ways of dealing with it. oh and i wore black or very dark pants and jeans most of the time, so even if a little wetness got on my pants it wasnt so obvious.

well thats probably a load of info, but i hope it helps :) please dont be scared or embarrased! pooing your pants is a pretty common symptom for crohns/uc/ other GI issues.
but your doc definitly needs to know that you have this symptom, it will help him figure out what treatment will help ok?

oo one more tip...always keep a spare pair of undies in your purse/bag. you know the little secret pocket for tampons and stuff? i always fold mine up real small and shove em in there. that practice has saved me MANY times, and its totally discreet. that was my little "poo prevention" pocket :D
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The docs said I may have Crohn's or colitis and need to have a colonoscopy. I had a cat scan yesterday and it didn't have good news. A kidney tube is dialated but no sign of stones? Also, bowel retention? I don't get constipated and I am pretty regular except for when I get D and they said that is not a good sign. No signs of inflammation but I figured that because I wasn't feeling like I was having a flare up. I don't know, there were a few things they found but I was pretty out of it so I don't remember the rest.
I got counseled about Crohn's and the meds I may have to take. Just trying not to get worried and stressed out. My anxiety has already been through the roof this week. :(
sorry that it has to be so stressful on top of not feeling well :( we all know how that is.
try try try to not worry about it TOO much though, stress can compleetely make it even worse.
its hard to not worry though, i worry wayy too much, but try to just be good to yourself :) do what you like to do in order to relax and take any extra loads off your plate ya know?
i always have pushed myself far too hard to function NORMAL, and it didnt get me anywhere good. the strain aint worth it honey!
your insides will appreciate the TLC :)
good luck with you diagnosis process, i hope that its not much longer until you have an answer!
kello82 said:
sorry that it has to be so stressful on top of not feeling well :( we all know how that is.
try try try to not worry about it TOO much though, stress can compleetely make it even worse.
its hard to not worry though, i worry wayy too much, but try to just be good to yourself :) do what you like to do in order to relax and take any extra loads off your plate ya know?
i always have pushed myself far too hard to function NORMAL, and it didnt get me anywhere good. the strain aint worth it honey!
your insides will appreciate the TLC :)
good luck with you diagnosis process, i hope that its not much longer until you have an answer!

I've been noticing that the more I stress, the more I don't feel well. It's really hard during the day because I have to watch my two-year old son and try to do my homework and it is really stressful. At night it's better because Daddy gets home and I can go lay in bed and watch Dexter. That make me feel way better.

In the meantime, I need to try and keep it off of my mine because its only making things worse.

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