Lottes surgery

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Aug 9, 2009
Hey guys it's Andrew , charlottes boyfriend. Just writing to let you know that the surgery went well. And it was a bit different than expected though. She now has a colestomy instead of a eleostomy as they took out a lot of small intestine. They also found some endometriosis. She has not been in too much pain, just like really bad period pain, touch wood. Thank you for supporting charlotte, it has made her more positive.

Good to hear shes feeling well! Bit of a suprise shes got a colostomy, maybe thats better, im not sure. Send her my reguards! And we all cant wait to hear what she alls him! Hope she can get the endometriosis sorted too.
Good luck on the recovery lotte, and thanks for updating us Andy!
Thanks Andy :) you must be relieved. Give her lots of gentle hugs and kisses from me too. All the best to you both.
Helen xxx
Thanks for posting, Andy, and letting us know Lotte is doing well so far!

Give her a big hug from all of us here and tell her to take it easy and get well soon!!

xo - Amy
Thanks for letting us know Andy...pass my regards on to her. Hope she has a gentle, uneventful recovery :)
Hi Andy,
That is good news - I'm glad she is doing well. Please give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Hey guys it's lotte here. Totally zonked so can't type ,much
Thanks so much for the hugs and well wishes.
I got up and had a shower, but it was bloody agony getting up. But feel so much better after the shower. I am really knackred
Glad the surgery went well Charlotte. May you have a speedy and uneventful recovery.

Up and in the shower already! Well done you!

Speedy recovery Charlotte!
Get well soon and keep moving! Having a shower is a good sign
Way to go Charlotte- up and about so soon after surgery!
Hope thing's continue to go well, and wishing you a speedy recovery.
And xx
Hello lovely people. Sorry if this is hard to decipher I am not so great at typing on iPhone or iPad at the mo. Everything is going pretty good, I can't wait to fart or poo so I can have some fluids Ns food in to mee. It was lucky they could save some of my colon, as it wasn't all flared. Plus I am glad to have a more low maintenance colostomy. I haven't even read up about those yet! Hmm mum promised me today that she would shout me to Harry potter land! Which made me
Extremely happy I'll have something awesome to loook forward to after all this. Do you think 6 months is too fast to go on holiday or perhaps should I wait longer?
I think my bag is stating to get some air in ot yay$
Anwau enough of my slurry gibberishzzzb
6 months should be plenty of time for you to recover enough to go on holiday! By then you will feel like a million. It is really the first 4-8 weeks that are the worst. (the first 2 weeks are absolutely the worst)

As for you not having an ileo, better for you I would think! Kuhl!!

It's crazy here too? For a colostomy here in nz they supply 3 1 pieces a day but for an ileostomy only two a week. It's so wierd tho they don't
Like people using two pieces ! They say its old fashoind...I thought it would be More irritated changing a bag 3 times a Day yowza! Lol. Ergh can't sleep waiting for them
To top up my phentinal (I think) as I used it all. Bloody sore :( hmmm thanks guys again for your awesomeneS!
Old fashioned using two pieces?? Shows what non ostomates know! I'm trying all the two pieces now, and it's SO MUCH BETTER than a one piece!

And less supplies for ileo's? WTF? With a more liquid output, they need more supplies.

Well Charlotte, one way or the other you're gonna be fine!

A fellow colostomate!! I think you'll find your ostomy fairly easy to take care of, and keep in mind that they're bigger than an ileostomy too, so don't freak out when you hear all the ileostomates talking about their dainty When you can, get the ostomy companies to send you samples of 2 piece appliances, they're much easier to maintain. Also, if you can, get liners for your bag - they eliminate the need to wash your bag out every time you fill it. They're great, you just put the liner inside your bag, and when you want to change it, just whip it out and flush it. They're the best thing ever invented....even better than sliced

If you have any colostomy questions, feel free to message me :) So glad to hear that you're doing well...I hope your recovery continues to be uneventful!
YAY lotte! You're on the other side and sounding fab! I am so happy that all has gone well mate and I hope you have a speedy and very uneventful recovery...



Dusty. xxx
Hello guys!
4 days since my op and I am feeling Great! I can't believe it (touch wood).
My healing is going so well my bum looks "perfect" as my surgeon said, and my catheter and drains were taken out today! I am also off the hard drugs and oxygen! I am finally allowed soups and jelly. I'm guessing tomorrow I'll be able to eat mushy foods which will be heaven! My stoma hasnt passed wind yet and only a tiiiny amount of stool, but it's growling and wiggling so it can't be far off. I've been up and walking and is a ton better than when I had a drain. This pain is already better than crohns so I highy recommend it to someone who is in terrible condition and are scared of the pain of surgery.
I do keep getting phantom wind or poo feelings, like when I needed to wee I felt like pooing as well. And I keep feeling like I need to fart out my non bum.
Anyway I want to say a positive attitude can go so far with surgery as I am feeling great. I am literally shocked at how good I feel... I hope I won't jinx it by saying this.
Anyway I am going to go and think about my upcoming soup. Mmmm.

Charlotte, there's a thread called 'name my stoma' on here somewhere.

But, get to know his personality first. Then a name will come to you!

Glad you are feeling good. Dont over do on the soup!

Blehhhh I totally dug myself a hole there, now my guts feels like it's bulging with bricks, I think I over did it today... Or maybe it's just remembering how to work. I can tell you this, when I saw andys hospital sandwiches I nearly cried I soo wanted them. My soup was cold and tasted like ass. Oh well... Hopefully foods tomorrow and wind tonight , ;)
Glad you're doing well Charlotte! So how come you had a colostomy rather than ileostomy in the end? I didn't quite understand it earlier. Is it just because there was some areas of your colon that wasn't inflamed so they saved those bits because a colostomy is less maintenance or because they just wanted to save as much as they could?

Also, don't think I'd like those phantom feelings you've been getting! I get so frustrated when I want to get rid of some wind and can't!! Was it just a weird feeling or was it really unpleasant?

Anyway, keep up with the good recovery. I hope you get to eat something decent soon!
Hey misty!
I actually had the option in the beginning to get a colostomy, but I decided on an ileostomy as we thought we might as well do it all in one. The whole lrg intestine was patchy with crohns but I was mostly getting rid of it due to the multiple fistulas. They did a ct scan the day before and found that a lot more of the small intestine was inflamed than they thought (500mm), and that saving part of the large intestine would help with absorption, and be a bit less risky I guess? Anyway the only major thing that put me off a colostomy is the fact that they sew you up inside and you have risks of leakage. I am bloody glad I have one though as it's on the side I never lie on and it is less maintenance.

Ah ok. I just ask because I'm seeing the surgeon at the end of July and I'm trying to predict what he's going to want to do with me lol. One GI told me that I would just need a resection with 30% of a bag and the latest GI I saw said to just take the whole colon out. I can't stand this not knowing! I want to get my head around it.

I'm glad it works better for you though. I don't think the side would make that much difference to me as I lay on both sides. DOH!
Michelle I lay on both sides!! Stan doesnt mind at all.

Hopefully you will get an answer soon. The waiting must be awful.
This is good news, Misty!!

But yeah. I want to plan my life!! I want to go on holiday before. I wouldn't be surprised if they change their mind on the operating table though, tbh. They haven't had a clue what's going on with my decending colon in the past.. loads of years lol. I'm just not exactly one of those spontaneous kind of gals lol. One more month and hopefully I shall have some answers. (when I said July, I meant June. I had a brain fart).
"when I said July, I meant June. I had a brain fart"
Better out than in I say!! :ybatty:

Could be they just remove the 'naughty bits' Michelle. Will you be local or in London for surgery? Or maybe no surgery. You never know!

Heya guys! My stoma finally started working after 6 days!!! I am so excited hahaha! I nearly filled the bag!!! Oops! It was a delicious shade of greeny black. So happy :) anyway I had a pretty poopy day yesterday with A real sore tummy but now I know it was the poo coming thru my intestines! I also had another setback, I had to have my catheter put back in as I was holding way to much wee and I kept going to the toilet and peeing about 50mls each time ergh! As soon as she put the Cath in half a litre rushed out. (haha I just heard a visitor come and meet someone and they asked how they were and the patient said "not too good" and the visitor said "yeah? yeah! that's great!" turd..)
Anyway I got to eat yesterday and that was great! Even if it was bland
Old hospital food (their normal stuff is fine the other menu for bowel surgery is terrible though! )Anyway I may pop to sleep again as I am tired and sore still. Lol :)

Xxx lotte
Yeah, the stoma works!!!! Charlotte, I DID fill the bag the first time. At 4.30AM! But they let me be naughty and eat solids before i was working right, it being xmas and all. When it started working, it didnt stop!

Now that he's working, it wont be too long then before they let you go home hopefully. As for the pee...just enjoy it being empty eh! That must have been painful!

Have a good kip. Glad to know you are doing well luv!

Great to hear everything is moving along so well ! (pun intended :) )

Take good care of yourself !
Blah! I have been having the worst pain, just when I thought it was going well lol.
My bloody guts is cramping like a MF. I have been trying to move around but it's so HARD when your in so much pain blah! On the other hand it is so exciting watching the stoma poop.. Lol like a little volcano! I was thinking about calling it willy wonka (and the chocolate factory) teehee cause that's what it reminds me of... Or Augustus gloop :)

Anyway I gushed out a whole lotta poop and dad managed to video it hahaha. I didn't change it tho and the nurse did and got poop all over me so I spent about 10 mins cleaning that up with wet wipes after her lame attempt at cleaning it. I duno am I just a clean freak? Lol.

Oh well. I dunno if I'll be ready to go home Thursday... We will see :S

Anyway I better be off! Xxxx

What do the Dr's say is causing the pain? I'm no Dr, but I will hazard a guess that it's gas build up and just your guts digesting after not being in use and perhaps wanting to stay on holiday, and complaining about your lack of understanding. Here they were, enjoying the sun and sea, nothing to worry about, no work to do, and you go and EAT again! They must have the hump.

Mine were none too happy with me either. I didnt care, I told what was left of them off. Proceeded to fart and belch the ward down, and continued eating my shit xmas dinner in hospital. However, if you walk around a bit more I hope it will help you to pass this painful phase and show your guts who is in charge! :ybatty:

Hope you giggled sweets!
Blah! I have been having the worst pain, just when I thought it was going well lol.
My bloody guts is cramping like a MF. I have been trying to move around but it's so HARD when your in so much pain blah! On the other hand it is so exciting watching the stoma poop.. Lol like a little volcano! I was thinking about calling it willy wonka (and the chocolate factory) teehee cause that's what it reminds me of... Or Augustus gloop :)

Anyway I gushed out a whole lotta poop and dad managed to video it hahaha. I didn't change it tho and the nurse did and got poop all over me so I spent about 10 mins cleaning that up with wet wipes after her lame attempt at cleaning it. I duno am I just a clean freak? Lol.

Oh well. I dunno if I'll be ready to go home Thursday... We will see :S

Anyway I better be off! Xxxx


Sorry you're having pain, hope it "passes" quickly. I laughed out loud at the volcano visual and the names you've picked out. Hilarious! I could probably never have a stoma... I would be fascinated by it. Although I'm sure the novelty would wear off.

Also I do not think you are a clean freak for not wanting to be covered in poop!
"when I said July, I meant June. I had a brain fart"
Better out than in I say!! :ybatty:

Could be they just remove the 'naughty bits' Michelle. Will you be local or in London for surgery? Or maybe no surgery. You never know!


Well I have 15 cm of stricture in my sigmoid which they can't get past with a cam, I have another 2cm in my transverse and I have the one in my rectum that caused my little holiday in the L&D. Plus getting rid of my rectum would get rid of my recto vaginal fistula.

So I don't know... it's very possible he'll tell me I don't need it right now. But this is the second time they've made an appointment with him. I know they're going to have to take it out at some point and they've already said I COULD leave it for now.. but if I do, I risk getting cancer from having crohn's for so long, and if I do get cancer, they have no way of finding out if I do get it. Then I think of Andrea and it makes me want the surgery now just in case. Plus if I'm feeling well now then the recovery might be better. Hmmm it's far from a simple decision! But the surgery will be at St Marks. They have the best surgeons for bowels there!
Aww Michelle. Well, all those things stink to almighty...But, that doesnt mean the whole thing has to come out I hope! A temporary stoma perhaps yes. But not the whole enchilada.

I sincerely hope you do what is right for you. And you're never too far to visit neighbour. Do you like roses? You look like an English Rose to me. I can bring you roses from my all my bushes.

Can they really save my rectum if I have a stricture in it that needs to come out? This is the stuff I want to knowwww. At least I'm prepared for the worst. That way, anything less than that will make me very happy!

Misty, you are a starrrr!!! I do like roses actually!
Can they really save my rectum if I have a stricture in it that needs to come out? This is the stuff I want to knowwww. At least I'm prepared for the worst. That way, anything less than that will make me very happy!

Misty, you are a starrrr!!! I do like roses actually!

I would think that resting your rectum with a temporary stoma (a year!) would probably help immensely with that Michelle. But I'm no Dr, or surgeon. Just be careful...surgeons LOVE to operate, and you sometimes need to make them come down to earth to see...hey...she's a human..whoda thought!? I will always make you and anyone on here a rose garden. Life never promised us that (old song), but I can provide one! In memory of my mother Rose Lee.
