Low Blood Sugar

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Apr 28, 2012
Is their a connection between low blood sugar and colitis?

The GP's nurse called and said her labs have come back and their concerned
but not worried YET about Grace's low blood sugar.
Hers is in the 50's and normal range is 70-99.
She did have 2 juice boxes which are loaded with sugar before this test.
The GP said to give Grace chicken (for protein) twice a day for now.
Of course she needs more testing:yfaint: but I just wanted to ask.:smile:
"juice boxes" or e028 splash?
E028 splash is balanced with protein/carbs so not as the same as "juice"
E028 splash is complete nutrition.
There should not be any different "spike" in blood sugar

IF she was drinking real juice - then what does your GI have to say? ( I thought she was just chicken /rice )
ALso I thought she was to limit calories from food
I would discuss any addition of food with the GI.
YOur GP could run an number of different tests which would give you a better longer term picture of any issues with blood sugar.
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No not real juice I meant Splash. We call it juice here. SORRY!

Also, They GP nurse asked if she could drink Boost or something to get protein.
Of course I said no.
I did tell her the Splash has broken down proteins that are easier to digest.
Then she asked, well then maybe the Splash is not giving her enough (protein) or the "right" kinds of proteins. By this point I was way over my head and I ended the conversation.

So how would you guys have answered??????
" SHe is on complete nutrition with the right amount of protein for any child from the age of one to age 13. Her GI is aware of her dietary intake and needs.

Please forward any and all recommendations for dietary changes to the GI for approval"

Boost does not have any more protein than E028 splash
The gp nurse is just used to the basic stuff.
I always just differ to the specialist then they tend to stop talking.:ycool:
Per drink box (237 mL)

Protein Equivalent, g 5.9


kids boost - 7 g protein

E028 splash - 5.9 g protein

This is for each serving she has plenty of protein for a 4 year old for the day since she gets 5 boxes a day right ( 29.5 g of protein a day)

The RDAs for older children are 0.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight for 4-to-6-year-olds


so an average 40 lbs 4 year old only needs 20 grams.
She is getting 29.5
The GP nurse didn't remember what Grace has. When I reminded her she made the comments about the proteins.

Soooooooooo if Splash + chicken would give enough protein,
what my forum friend who's NOT a Doc,
have to say is causing a drop in blood sugar??????
Could it be the EGID's side of things?????
BTW, I'm still hoping it's a fluke.:smile:

The GP wants Grace back in next week.:yfaint:

I ask the GI nurse about the blood sugar and she said that's for the GP to handle.:cool2:
The GP nurse didn't remember what Grace has. When I reminded her she made the comments about the proteins.

Soooooooooo if Splash + chicken would give enough protein,

Sorry but this is why our GI is our general contractor! I know yours is far away but a GP (and I know yours is great and our Ped is amazing) is just not well versed enough to handle such a complicated case as Princess Grace!
The GP nurse didn't remember what Grace has. When I reminded her she made the comments about the proteins.

Soooooooooo if Splash + chicken would give enough protein,
what my forum friend who's NOT a Doc,
have to say is causing a drop in blood sugar??????
Could it be the EGID's side of things?????
BTW, I'm still hoping it's a fluke.:smile:

The GP wants Grace back in next week.:yfaint:

I ask the GI nurse about the blood sugar and she said that's for the GP to handle.:cool2:

CIC look at above statement!
Right! I understand the GP is handling blood tests and all because of distance but is there anyway they can call GI and all info can come straight from GI rather than you trying to juggle two different docs and opinions etc? Maybe I am spoiled but anything our ped, eye doc, derm etc does or finds gets reported to GI and he oversees the general managent of things. He is a control freak (no wonder why we get along). Except straightfoward things like strep, swimmers ear etc. Just seems like it is a lot of work on you to be constantly presenting info, balancing opinions, etc and on such a complicated case.

Do you need some city gals to come in and set the record straight. I don't think Maty has used her vice in awhile...we don't want it getting rusty.
So you need me to hop on a plane and start acting like a princess? I could teach Grace a few tricks!
Don't know Stephen's GI enough to know if he's a control freak but, I'm making the decision for him :lol: EVERYTHING that happens, I inform him! I even have a standard subject line I use for him... 'FYI... Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask :eek:'

I asked him about Dominican, then told him about travel doc's recommendations, then about the ID doc's recommendations, then the immunity tests that showed no mumps immunity (did pre-warn him there was a 'part 2' coming after the ID doc follow-up)... I don't always expect an answer, sometimes they are FYI only BUT I do let him know and ask him to get back to me IF he has any concerns.

The way I see it, Stephen's most serious health concern is under his care and the strongest med that Stephen takes is by his prescription... I think he NEEDS to be aware of what's going on and, to a great degree, have the final say in what happens.

As CIC said, I would go to the GP for anything that seemed non-crohns or non-remicade related but, even then, if it became complicated, I might send a FYI email to the GI.
OMG! Love that line Tess (everything you wanted to know...)...I am stealing it!

And if O gets strep, ear infection etc guess what...he gets notified by ped! Down to what antibiotic we are using etc.
OMG! Love that line Tess (everything you wanted to know...)...I am stealing it!

And if O gets strep, ear infection etc guess what...he gets notified by ped! Down to what antibiotic we are using etc.

:lol2:Tess that has to be the best title I've ever heard.

I guess when we meet with the GI this week I need to ask him straight up, what's his role in Grace's care.:yfaint:
FW - I think that's a great idea... to simply ask him when and how he should be involved.

And, to save yourself some trouble, ask if you can send the info/questions by email... it's sometimes difficult to reach the nurse on the first call, so you end up having to call again and again and, having two young kids, a farm, etc. it would be so much easier to just send the email and be done with it. ;)
For sure on the email. If I didn't have their email address, I wouldn't contact half as often as I do...shhh don't tell then that! They will be changing their email addresses and putting all kinds of blocks up!

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