LRQ Pain & Other Questions

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Jul 17, 2011
I have a few questions I am hoping everyone can help me with. I am currently at a stand still as to what I should do next. If you can even answer one question I would appreciate it. I apologize in advance for the long post!

LRQ Pain - Do you have LRQ Pain? Is it a constant or sharp pain? Does the pain subside after you have had an episode and are empty? The reason I ask this is because I have constant pain (sometimes sharp pain) that also goes into my back, groin & down my right leg. I have noticed that the pain goes away (briefly) after an episode and my system is empty.

C & D - Do you have D or C more often? I have D when having an episode and then I seem to get C.

Colonoscopy & Biopsy - Did your scope show that everything was "normal" but you still had symptoms? Were biopsies taken? What is the purpose of the biopsy if everything is "normal"? Is it possible to have something on the outside of your intestines that obviously wouldn't be visible during a scope because it's the inside?

Again, I apologize for the lenghtly questions. I am trying to determine after a "normal" scope what to do next. I noticed that after taking the prep and I was empty that the LRQ pain subsided. It is now back and with a vengence. I was given a script for IBS. The one thing with my episodes the pain wakes me up in the middle of the night which is not typical of IBS as well as my B12 deficiency.

I have an appt with my family doctor on Thursday and I think I am going to request an U/S of my pelvic area and/or a CT.

Thanks in advance!! :rosette2:
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Unfortunately, the road to diagnosis can be a long, bumpy and frustrating one. :frown:
Re: the LRQ pain, I had constant pain there when I first flared, but the pain would vary from nagging to sharp. I also had a lot of pelvic and back pain, but also urinary problems which I don't think you're having?
I haven't had a colonoscopy, but did have an ultrasound, barium FT and CT scan. The CT is what showed up an abscess and fistula, which weren't seen in the other tests.
I hope that helps and let us know what your doc says.
Hi Ellipse,

I have constant, daily pain on the right, this is normally an ache but I get the occasional stabby pains to and cramps which come and go in waves. If it is really bad it spreads to my lower back as well.

I did have D about 3 times a day but am doing a low residue diet now and find that I only go every few days now and it is a lot more formed! - gross I know hehe.

I had a colonoscopy and biopsies taken bak in July, am still waiting for a proper talk through of results with my Doc but the paperwork said I was moderately inflamed with ulcerations. I don't think colonscopys do cover your whole colon though so i think it's possible your inflamatoin could be somewhere that they couldn't reach?

Hope this helps and good luck for your appointment Thursday!

Rachel xx
I don't have any LRQ pain at all at the mo, think entocort is helping with this.
The first indication that I was blocked was a very sharp pain in LRQ.
It wasn't every now and then, it was constant, throbbing and stabbing.
This pain radiated to my lower back, thighs and hip.
Then came the projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea.
The pain intensified, not subsiding with emptying.
If this continues or you start vomiting, please go to hospital. You could be narrowing.
I was very lucky that I didn't rupture
Thanks for the replies. I will be asking the doctor a few questions about my LRQ pain. The pain is in my groin as well and it's driving me crazy! I question if I have a blockage or narrowing (constipation issues) but haven't had any tests to confirm. I'll update after I see the doctor on Thursday.
Hi last year when I had the abscess I had constant dull LRQ pain esp my hip bone which became sharp and stabbing on occasions. I was never bent over double in pain even when it perforated but when you pressed on it it was definitely 'harder' than the left side and increased the pain. I think BM relieved it slightly but TBH I can't remember. I never had a lot of D but it would go in cycles of C then D and I always and still do feel better after D. Now I've had surgery and all the bad parts removed I get the odd niggle of pain in my LRQ and hip bone but recent colonoscopy and biopsy are normal (mild inflammation) at surgery site. As for the tests your best bet is a small bowel series and CT scan. Hope this helps.
I had (and still get) LRQ pain. When my colonoscopy was done, everything looked normal but the biopsy came back positive for Lymphocytic Colitis which is another form of IBD. Biopsies can show microscopic manifestations of Crohn's, other forms of IBD and some other stuff as well.

If you get another colonoscopy, I would recommend you ask them to stain the biopsy results for mast cells to test for Mastocytic Entercolitis (few GIs are doing this yet).

That you also have pain radiating down your leg suggests nerve impingement to me. I would suggest giving this a try to see if it helps with the pain.
Matt had LRQ pain and his was pretty constant. He described it as burning type ache, it extended from his navel and down to his groin/hip and into his thigh. It caused him to limp and at it's worst he could not lay down with leg extended out flat on the bed. It would fluctuate in severity but at it's worst required hospitalisation x2. It was found he had a fistula and abscess (psoas) originating from the terminal ileum.

Matt did not suffer with either constipation or diarrhoea but he was diagnosed very quickly and his disease following biopsy was only rated as mild to very mild.

Because his disease is in the terminal ileum he was diagnosed during his scope. The GI saw two ulcers and diagnosed based on that. His biopsies from his colonscopy never supported a definitive diagnosis of CD as he does not have granulomas. The pathology on his resected bowel convincing evidence of CD due to absence of granulomas but that's what he has! He had a CT Enterogram following the scope to determine the extent of the disease.

Matt originally had an ultrasound after the GP could feel a mass. The first one showed no problems but a couple of days later, at the insistence of the GI, he had another and they concentrated on the terminal ileum and lo and behold they did find the thickening of the ileum that the GP could feel.

Good luck hun and let us know how you go.

Dusty. xxx
Hey David,

Yeah, literature seems to suggest it is a rare complication of Crohns and uncommon in general population. Not a pleasant experience either way...(((shudder))).

Dusty. xxx
Thank you all very much for the input and information. I have to wait to see the GI specialist on Sept 26th but I see my family doctor on the 1st and will be requesting an u/s. The LRQ pain is driving me nuts and I have noticed a bulge from time to time. I don't know how far the GI got with the scope so I'll just have to wait.
David - I'll check out your link when I can get on my laptop!
A wee bit OT, but I googled ( Psoas ) cos I didn't know what it was and one of the sites I found advocates ball exercises very similar to yours, David, for people with lower back pain :)

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