Lucy not feeling well - advice

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Jan 28, 2012
Tipperary, Ireland
New territory for me here, Lucy started school last week and typically she has come down with some form of viral infection this weekend. She is on humira so I guess it was inevitable that this is going to happen. This is her first virus while taking humira so I am little unsure as to how to handle it. Her temp is fine at the minute and I am giving her liquid paracetamol. Would you wait it out before calling doc - I suppose I am asking how quickly these things take hold when taking humira. If she seems able would you send her to school tomorrow - as it is pretty likely that she will pick up every bug going I don't want her to start missing school already. Help how does everybody else handle these situations
Humira and remicade only make them more suseptible to opportunistic infections.
Not things like a cold.
Colds and coughs are going to be many just given her age and year in school regardless of the humira.

We were given a sheet for DS on when to call.
If he has a fever of any kind - we call the ped but the Gi also wants to know .
If there is a reason for the fever ( ie cold or strep etc)
Everyone is less excited.
If DS is feeling better from the cold ( no fever good energy, eating playing)
Then he goes to school .
We only had one rush ER blood work visit while on remicade to rule out EBV.

Since its her first cold - I would call your Gi/ped just to make them aware and they can tell you if you need to do something special .
My son will soon be 14 so our experience may not really apply but I can honestly say during the 2.5 years now he's been on Humira, he's missed less school than the average child. I think these illnesses, or lack of, have much to do with early age exposure. EJ was in daycare from 6 months age till school started.
I would call the GI and let them know about the fever. There is probably nothing they will do right now but our GI wants to know.

When Johnny had a fever the nurse felt that from the symptoms and how high the fever was that it was viral and they had me stop his dose of 6mp for the night.

I have my son take hand wipes to school to help with the spread of viruses. Antibacterial gels will kill bacteria but not viruses. Washing hands is best but sometimes they don't have time. We also talked to the teacher when he was younger about making sure he washed his hands before snack/lunch. It is true that she won't catch things more easily but it will be a bit harder for her to recover once she has something and I am always a little nervous that it could push DS into a flare. Teachers always seem happy to help out.

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