Wow. That an old post. Didn't know I had even been on this forum that long. No need to edit anything. I use my real name on some forums but often they recommend you do not.
Regarding relapse. At this time, with the Crohns under control, I don't have any indication of a compromised mucus barrier as I did before. At least I have not been able to provoke a problem by eating things that would have been a problem in the past.
Like anyone else, I watch for the slightest indication of problems. I have found lots of small clues that indicate my disease is getting out of hand. Some I did not realize were even related to Crohns until they went away.
I worry about relapse constantly, but if your intestinal tract not healthy, the real problem is with the state of the disease, and if it is unhealthy, I want to know sooner rather than later. So I will take an occasional aspirin, eat problem foods, just to see what happens. To test the treatment. Seems like a risky thing to do, but not knowing a problem exists is also risky.
Hard to explain my thought process, but I am always testing, refining, researching and applying what I learn. I assume I am missing something in my self treatment, because it is too important to get wrong.
Magnesium is one important part of the treatment. I need my body to work at its optimum level. I don't have the advantage of youth any longer.
Your English is quite good. Better than many that have it as a first language.