the MAP link has been discussed for years now. there are some studies that suggest the link and others that are fairly inconclusive. CCFA has posted more than once about the "lack of evidence" for a MAP connection through some studies but the one thing that is being overlooked by most is what type of bacteria MAP actually is. It's a pleomorphic bacteria or L-form bacteria along with a few other types most notably Helicobacter pylori which causes stomach ulcers and Borrelia burgdorgeri which can cause lyme disease. given the success rate of getting a real deal lyme disease diagnosis (very low) using current culturing technology it would be easy for me to correlate the success rate of also culturing other bacterias of the same type in a lab, or lack thereof, to getting a definite answer to if a bacteria such as MAP actually causes Crohn's Disease. these are very hard bacterias to culture and can even invade white blood cells and live there. check it out here: (thanks to D Bergy for finding this website and posting it in another thread)
if you are interested in some video documentaries that talk about the dairy industry and specifically the milk pastuerization process v. raw milk check youtube link.. very interesting stuff here too which could help explain why milk could be a carrier of some bad bacterias etc.
there are also some other theories about the role of oxdiation in the body and specifically some iron transport problems in the intestinal tract contributing to the disease. this along with certain protein allergies has been suggested to be the cause as well. really good info here:
there are also theories on the use of probiotics in the management of IBS and IBD. some have more success than others and some books say it works better with specific diets etc. etc. it is definetly worth looking into as some people in the medical community are starting to give it more thought rather than dismissing it immediately. this and fish oil.
the LDN approach seems like it might be a very good way to go as well. Kev and D Bergy both use it and both have had success with it. there are threads here to read about it and i'm sure they would provide info if you ask.
another approach that some scientists are devloping are the use of whipworms in the intestinal tract. i believe it is called the Helminthic therapy and they basically innoculate you with whipworms which then begin to live in your digestive tract and give your immune system a target to attack rather than your own tissues. as crazy as it may sound they are getting some success out of it with minor side effects. you would probably have to fly to Germany or Mexico to get this though.
hope this helps some and hope your son is doing ok. this disease can be a bitch but it is good you are taking a proactive approach. the FDA approved methods dont have all the answers to everything and it is important to look into every
possible avenue to get some relief.