Majorly chuffed-off.

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Nov 27, 2010
I started feeling ill last Monday. By the end of work that day, I was running a temperature and feeling generally achey and unwell. Retired to bed, thinking I was coming down with a cold. The next day the diarrhoea hit and didn't really stop. To cut a long story short, I was admitted to Hospital on the Friday with severe dehydration.

<rant start> I have been on a saline drip, which has sorted out the dehydration - hasn't touched the diarrhoea at all. They're injecting me with steroids as they think the diarrhoea is due to a Crohn's flare - EXCEPT - my Crohn's has never presented like this before EVER - always a lower right abdominal pain and stomach cramps etc. Oh - and the steroids aren't doing anything to the diarrhoea!! Waiting for the results of stool tests to check for infection - and kept in an isolation ward as they think I might be infectious! So, how about giving me some broad spectrum antibiotics to knock off any potential nasties - and potentially stop the blinking diarrhoea whilst we wait for the stool results instead of pumping me full of steriods for an unconfirmed Crohn's flare!!!! Or do the right blinking blood tests?!!!! Argh! Hospitals! <end of rant>.

NB: third day in hospital, steroids obviously making me ratty, looks like another night in Hospital!!

Sorry to hear things are not going well. Yes, I struggle with the fact that they can't deal with what seems to be a pretty basic concept of treatment sometimes. They should certainly listen to what is normal for you in relation to a Crohn's flare. Have you managed to speak to a Consultant or are you just being managed by "The Team"?

From my point of view, you are better off being in isolation. First, if you are in a room on your own, you should get a decent nights sleep. Second, hopefully you should be at a lower risk of picking up a Hospital acquired infection. Every cloud has a silver lining!

Get well soon.

Unfortunately Mark I've been admitted though A+E, so I'm classed under Medical. This means I see a variety of random Consultants, none of which are Gastroenterologists, and hence no Crohn's speciality! I'm supposed to have been transferred to the Gastro ward for two days now - and still waiting!! You are right though, at least I have my own room, and I get a reasonable night's sleep. No window or daylight though! Thanks for the kind words. Tony.
Ok Tony,

Yes, I understand the situation. Both my Gastro and the Surgeons are in London these days, so if I'm in real need of help I head to A&E on the train rather going to my local Hospital that is 10 minutes away. At least that way my records are available and I get seen by people who know me. From there it's been a direct admit to the right ward.

Hi Tony - Sorry to hear you are doing so poorly in the hosp! Isn't it a drag to keep popping up to the bathroom while you have an IV in tow???

Hope they can get you to the GI ward soon and you get to see someone who knows what the heck they are doing!

Hang in there! I hope they have good TP in your room!

- Amy
Ok, an update. Onto Day Four in Hospital. Still in the same off-A&E room, and not on the Gastro ward. That's ok though. It's quiet, and tucked away at least from the Madding Crowd, and the Nursing Staff are on the whole lovely. *Finally* saw a proper Gastro-Consultant who agrees that I'm not having a Crohn's flare - rather I've got a nasty bug (viral or bacteria - *still* waiting for those results!) which the Crohn's is making it difficult to get rid of. Exactly what I said to the Medical Team when I arrived, which they promptly ignored and shoved me straight on steroids - which will ultimately do no harm, and possibly be of some benefit - but actually slightly unnecessary! Being kept in another night, as the Diarrhoea is still active, albeit better than it was. 8 days and counting!

Again, thanks for all the messages of support!
Right — Finally out of hospital! Still haven't exactly got rid of the diarrhoea, but it certainly on the mend.

Now having to taper off steroids (IV) with oral prednisolone over the next four weeks. Bit of a bugger really, as I didn't really need to have them in the first place.

On the bright side, I guess maybe it will do some good after all?
Yeah! Back home!!! Sorry about the pred, but we love to hate it and hate to love it.

Take care of yourself!
Glad you're back home Tony, nowt like your own bed!
Did they give you some Metronidazole?
They told me I had an infection last year, spent a week in hospital, said I was blocked and sepsis had set in. They put me on Pred after the IV lot, and Metronidazole.
Speedy recovery
Hi Joan,
no not given metronidazole this time — (still) waiting for the stool culture results to see if it was a bacterial, or viral problem in the first place.

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