Male infertility

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Sep 19, 2008
Hi, I'm new here, so I apologise if a thread of this nature already exists.

I've been a Crohns sufferer for 19 years, and for the last 10 years, I've suffered from perianal fistulas. They become abscesses on the skin.

I've gotten used to these over the years, and they aren't my complaint.
My problem is this. One of the fistulas has wormed it's way from the bowel, passed my urethra, on it's way to the skin.
It's very hard to describe, but basically, it swells below my scrotum.
I have a nagging pain in this area at all times.

My consultant doesn't seem to think there is a problem.

My wife and I are trying for another baby, we've had 2 pregnancies with no problem, but this fistula has formed since the last pregnancy.

My question is, has any one else found themselves infertile because of fistulas.
I've had a semen test, but the results aren't back yet.

I would love to hear from fellow sufferers on this problem.
Hi! welcome to the site.
Isn't ther any surgery or such they could do to help ease the pain?
Good luck on the next baby:)
ladyB said:
Hi! welcome to the site.
Isn't ther any surgery or such they could do to help ease the pain?
Good luck on the next baby:)

I wouldn't really class it as pain, as such. More discomfort.
My consultant is getting me a consultation with a surgeon, which hopefully I'll get soon.

But my main question is if any one else has found this problem, and if it has caused infertility.
I don't have any fistulas, and the male reproductive system is pretty robust. you'd probably lose more from a hot bath, the wrong type of underwear, or a bicycle seat... Since you are awaiting the results of your sperm test, when the numbers do come in.. and everything seems fine.. you might want to consider storing some to alleviate your fears... That way, regardless of any changes in your health, your future 'children' wouldn't be in jeopardy. Just a thought
I forgot to say, we've been trying for another baby for the last 12 months with no luck.

After having no problems getting pregnant, pre fistula, it's the only difference in our situation.
Danman, I don't know the answer to your question, and I hope you have your results soon so you can plan, but try to remember, even perfectly healthy people don't always get pregnant right away. Sometimes it's easy to get pregnant once, then not the next time, or vice versa. For instance... we have very good friends who got pregnant on their honeymoon. Then they tried and tried for 8 years until they finally got pregnant again. When that second baby was a few months old, they got pregnant again...with TRIPLETS!!!! Totally unplanned, spontaneous, amazing.

The human body is a weird and wonderful thing sometimes. Best of luck to you and your wife.
I had them come out of my anus and onto my butt. they just cut them out. I never had any come out the other way. But since i had 1 surgury I have had a child (surgury Bowell resection) In fact right after.
Well folks, the results are in.
I've got virtually no sperm. The doctor believes that the amount of infections caused by the fistulas over the years have effected my fertility.

I suppose I knew all along, but it doesn't help.

Something good may come out of this, if someone else is reading this and they feel a fistula in the same area as me, please get it removed surgically.
I've not gone the surgery route this time, because I've had 5 surgeries to close fistulas, and I didn't want to go through it again. So I kept taking antibiotics to stop the infections when they started.
How stupid do I feel now.

Thanks for all the words of encouragement.

My wife is as devastated as me, but we've been through a lot together. I hope she gets through this, she was so desperate for a brother or sister for our son.
Our first baby was born 15 weeks early and didn't survive. Then when our son was born 12 weeks early, we thought the same would happen again, but thank God, he's a healthy 2 and half year old now.

Crohn's knocks the stuffing out of you sometimes, I've gone through nearly 20 years of this, but this is a new low.
I'm not a complainer,I never have been. I've always soldiered on no matter what life has thrown at me. No matter how sick I get, I've rarely missed work. But this has me saying "why me".
Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. :( I can only imagine the anguish you and your wife are feeling right now. I know it's probably way too early to even mention this, but would you consider adoption? My brother and SIL were unable to conceive and eventually adopted our wonderful niece. She's as much a part of our family as anyone else. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts at this difficult time.
I am so sorry to hear this. Have fun spoiling the dickens out of the bundle of joy you do have.


Because there is someone out there who is trying and maybe they don't have any kids and they have no idea that a fistula can affect them having a child.

The pain we deal with today allows us to better help someone with that same need tomorrow.
I had a visit to my consultant yesterday.
it was an interesting visit.

When I was diagnosed 20 years ago, every one was perscribed salazopyrin.
Apparently salazopyrin causes temperary infertlity in males, while the patient is on it. once the patient is taken off it, fertility comes back.

I was on salazopyrin for 10 years, so perhaps it helped me have no wee Danmans running around, due to my wild days ;)

I was on Infliximab for a year and a half, but was taken off it, as I had a seizure whilst I was getting the infusion.
Infliximab has been shown to increase fertility in male Crohns sufferers.
Is it a coincidence, that we concieved both times whilst I was on Infliximab?
I don't know.

I'm on Humira at the present, and it does't seem to have any effect on fertility.

But I've been on 6-MP for 10 years now, and it has been known to decrease fertility.
My consultant has decided to discontinue my 6-MP, to see if it has an effect.

I made the point to him, that fertility is not something that you worry about untill it effects you personally.
Male infertility in general, affects 5% of the male population, but up to 20% of Crohnies.....

Like I said, it was an interesting visit.
Just an update on this topic.

As some of you know, I recently had surgery to try and stop the fistulas.
So far this has been a success, and my sex drive is starting to come back.

I was supposed to have a sperm test before leaving hospital, but I couldn't physically do it. I've got a test booked for th 2nd of Febuary and should know the results soon after.

My consultant is quite keen to get the results as he wants to know if there has been permanant damage or if the effects were short term.

A word of caution, He did mention 6-MP quite a few times while I was in hospital when we talked about infertility. I think the jury is still out on this drugs long term effects with regards infertility. I was on 6-MP for 10 years.
I hope the sperm shortage is only a temporary thing due to the meds. Could you maybe do an in-vitro type thing? Expensive I know, but well worth it if all else fails. Good luck in Feb - keep us posted.
My wife and I have been refered to a fertility clinic, we've got our first appointment at the end of Feb.

I'll hopefully have my results before then, we may not need to go through with the fertility treatment.
Hey Dan,

As your buddy in fistula hell...I'm really sorry to hear about all your troubles. It seriously sucks. IU know its not really the same thing (different parts and all) but there was a point this year when my fistulas were really bad that I wondered if I'd ever be able to have kids (the inability to do "it" makes the whole kids thing somewhat difficult). Luckily they now seem to be healing after the ileostomy....

Good luck with all your tests. I'll cross my fingers for you and your little dans.
Dan, thank you for sharing your experience. My boyfriend and I are going through the same issues. He's been diagnosed with CD for around 8 years now and also has a fistula on his scrotum. We've been trying to conceive for 3 years now. He chalked up our lack of progress to his medication (Remi), but I figured it was his fistula.. I'm incredibly sorry to hear about your test results. I'm afraid that is going to be our outcome as well.

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