Malnutrition/Weight loss

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Oct 22, 2010
Hey Everyone!

I haven't posted a thread in quite a while, so before I ask my question, let me catch you up. ;) I have finally been given a label for my condition. After my ANA came back positive, and I responded well to a prednisone trial, I have been diagnosed with "Mixed Connective Tissue Disease". Its a rare AI illness that is a combination of several AI illnesses, one of them being Lupus. I have arthritis in my wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles, and the connective tissue surrounding parts of my small intestine is very inflamed. I just got back to Germany a couple weeks ago, so I'm in between doctors. My rheumy in the states put me on a one month taper of pred, and gave me a letter for my new doctors here on what he wants me on, which includes plaquenil. My doctors appointment in on Wednesday, thank goodness!

I am now on 2.5mg of Pred, and I will be off of it on Friday. Everytime I get put on pred, I feel awesome! I feel like myself again. But when I get back off of it, I'm worse than I was when they put me on it. The tapers have been a low dose, and a very short amount of time on it (10mg for a week) so I know it wasn't enough to kick this thing into remission.

The worst thing I am dealing with right now is weight loss. I am in one of my worse flares yet, and eating is hard because my pain causes nausea. Over the holidays I lost 7 pounds, the next week 3, then this past week I have lost another 1.3. Right now I'm at 112, the lowest I've been. I'm glad I am starting to lose less, but I am working really hard to try and gain weight, not lose it. I eat three meals a day, and they are all high calorie meals. Hubby bought food that are high calories in little amounts of food so that I could finish it before I started feeling really sick.

At this point I'm wondering if because the connective tissue is very inflamed, that I'm not absorbing all that I'm eating. They have already determined I don't absorb B12 properly in my small intestine.

How can I try and gain weight? I have tried ensure in the past, and it helped, but not much. With being so nauseated all the time I don't know if I could get those down. Does anyone else use any techniques to stop weight loss?

I hope everyone is doing well!
Ginger tea may help you with the nausea. Make sure you focus on ONLY nutritional foods, so you are not putting garbage in and getting garbage results. Your tummy is telling you it does not like something you are putting in there, so look at what you are drinking or eating (or both) and eliminate the non-healthy items. That should help you a great deal. Feel better!
My son takes zofran for nausea and it takes it completely away. He has been able to eat well and is growing and gaining weight. Glad you found some answers and hope you start feeling better and gaining some weight soon!

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