Marijuana and Crohn's Disease

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Dec 18, 2010
I found this article to be interesting and I have to say i'm definitely not one to rule this out! I live in a medical state also, so getting a card is easy..but all in all, I think prohibition of Marijuana should be ended..People like ourselves could benefit from the drug's properties as it does have positive effects to ease the symptoms of crohn's.

So, with this said, what are you opinions and thoughts? I'm not afraid to say i've used it to before and stand firmy behind it's medicinal benefits.
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I'm right there with you on this matter. I have a friend who swears by it to treat his Crohns. I, myself, haven't tried it for such (in HS though, well that's another story :ycool: ) but our state did just pass it for medical use. However, my Dr. would prob be against it. Trouble is finding a Dr. here that agress with it. If I could get it on my own, I'd give it a try for sure. I'm MUCH more into anything natural. Being on medication is very strange for me but right now I have no choice.
My guess would be the fact that doctor's don't agree with it is they'd be scrutinized under Federal matters being still is illegal under Federal Statute. But on a state to state basis if it's legal in that state..many doctor's are still afraid..because of the potential raids that could arise.
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Instant pain relief is all I can say about it. Instantly calms the gut and allows you to eat without pain. I have used it for some of my worst flares.
I agree with Lydia, about it giving instant relief.
I use it for this purpose on occasion, it very nearly instantly relaxes my guts, when they are cramping up, it gives me an appetite, even when I'm suffering. I wouldn't say it gets rid of the pain completely, but it definitely helps, a lot more than 99% of the painkillers prescribed to me by the doctors, and although it does have side-effects, they are a lot more, lets say, tolerable than the side-effects of prescribed medication. It really helps me no end, to get a decent sleep at night, which is something I suffer with. The list of benefits goes on.

I also agree with Terri, when she says about ending the prohibition of it too. There is plenty of revenue in taxes etc. to be made by the government, which here in the UK is much needed, while at the same time, saving the government/police force billions of £'s/$'s they spend each year policing it.

But, however, some peoples mental health can be affected. It can cause depression, addiction, paranoia, psychosis...
Having said that, I know a person very well, who is now in his 50's, and has smoked to excess daily since he was a teenager, and he doesn't have any of these problems. That's not to say you won't get them, it is scientifically proven that these problems can be caused by cannabis use, but not in everyone.
My job and the super modifieds and sprint car series I race in all DRUG TEST. which leaves the option to using marijuana a no-can-do for me. There is a group for my state called Sensible Washington that had been trying for a year now to finally end prohibition of marijuana. Which i'm also an advocate for.
But, however, some peoples mental health can be affected. It can cause depression, addiction, paranoia, psychosis...
Having said that, I know a person very well, who is now in his 50's, and has smoked to excess daily since he was a teenager, and he doesn't have any of these problems. That's not to say you won't get them, it is scientifically proven that these problems can be caused by cannabis use, but not in everyone.

addicting? that's not true. Not for one person. I've used it more times than enough. I fail to believe that. To say it can lead to addiction is just laughable. Sounds like typical propaganda the US Government would say that's for sure..but then again no one believes or trusts our government lol...and niether do I. I choose what's best for me..not what the government or anyone else "thinks" should be best.
Cannabis can be addicting, this can be said of anything, not just pot. However this issue is not with the actual drug but more along of a psychological addiction. From a mental standpoint, you can become addicted to anything. Not every addiction presents actual physical issues. Some people become addicted easily.

Its like lip balm, you think you need it but not really. Not every addiction is physical.

It can bring out latent psychological disorders, but these would already be present in the individual.
Cannabis can be addicting, this can be said of anything, not just pot. However this issue is not with the actual drug but more along of a psychological addiction. From a mental standpoint, you can become addicted to anything. Not every addiction presents actual physical issues. Some people become addicted easily.

Its like lip balm, you think you need it but not really. Not every addiction is physical.

It can bring out latent psychological disorders, but these would already be present in the individual.

good points, usually addiction to anything is considered a disease. I can tell you right now there's no way the meds I get from the doctor are safer than smokin a blunt or eatin a weed brownie.
good points, usually addiction to anything is considered a disease. I can tell you right now there's no way the meds I get from the doctor are safer than smokin a blunt or eatin a weed brownie.

I in no way disagree with you. Pot in multiple forms is part of my daily medication.
Generally I smoke, I eat it if I have baked goods on hand. I feel way better the next day if I have a pot cookie before going to bed, it's the only way I could have safely survived the Christmas feasting.
Pot is not addictive; that being said when I quit (temporarily) I experienced bad insomnia for several days. But that was because I would smoke several hours before bed for nearly a year, and it took me awhile to get back into the normal swing of things.

Since quitting I haven't thought, 'Oh man, I can't stand it. I need marijuana now or I'll die.'

Although this thought has crossed my mind many times, 'Oh man, I'm in so much pain and my painkillers make me seriously nauseous. It sure would be nice if I had a blunt or two, but I can live without it for the sake of my nieces.'

Now once I move out and get my own place, you can be damn sure I'll start up again.
if my job didnt drug test, you better believe i'd have at least half a zip on me all the time lol my eyes disguise it pretty well too..yet another advantage of bein japanese
It's not the pot that's addictive it's the routine, some people become addicted to things very easily. Everyone has OCD to an extent, and while pot itself isn't addictive, some people can become addicted to the act. That's why I put it in the same category as lip balm, you don't become physically addicted, however some people can develop a psychological need to engage in the act.

Anyone who becomes addicted does so on a psychosomatic level, it's not the pot that's causing the addiction, it's themselves.
yeah moderation in most things that can be healthy should be exercised. When I could get away with smoking it before drug testing in my job and other activities that require a drug test, I would only partake on the weekends.
I'm really glad my job doesn't do drug testing, but I guess that's really more something that happens south of the border.
The people I'm friends with at work all know,and so does my direct boss. My boss has seen me at my worst, showing up to work at 9, leaving at 10:30 to go to the hospital.
well most jobs that are professional level around here that pay substationally, they do drug testing. Unless you got a lower wage job that doesn't drug test..which it's pretty easy to see who is and who isn't.
When I applied my security job they did a drug test. I had smoked out 2 nights before and was surprised when it came back clean. But then it was a mouth swab test and not a urine test. Could have been faulty testing equipment.

But now that some states are allowing Medical Marijuana they cannot fire you if you have a condition and proper papers from your doctors saying that your on it for medicinal purposes. But of course some other states are still allowing the termination of employees even if they are taking a legal medication.

I just wonder what happens to people if they are taking Marinol and get fired because of a positive drug screening. It's a drug that is approved by the FDA and available to be dispensed at every corner pharmacy in the U.S. Corporate law needs to catch up with state law, that's for sure.
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But now that some states are allowing Medical Marijuana they cannot fire you if have a condition and proper papers from your doctors saying that your on it for medicinal purposes. But of course some other states are still allowing the termination of employees even if they are taking a legal medication.

No one is protected under any law in the state I live in. Medical state or not, they don't need to give a definitive explanation why you are being terminated. I've seen this happen and employers are not required to say why you are being terminated..which is why it's called "at will" employment for both the employer and employee. There is no RCW in Washington state that protects a medical card holder under any circumstances for being subject to drug testing for employment purposes. I know this, because I looked into it. It wouldn't be worth it losing the job I have as much as I disagree with unfair it year there will be an initiative to end prohibition in Washington state and I'll sign to that!
Wow. In Canada after 3 months they need a valid reason to fire you, and if it isn't valid you get severance pay. Only drug use on the job is grounds for dismissal unless you have a job that you sign a contract stating that you will not use drugs.
I see my GI in a couple of weeks, I'm going to talk to him about the paperwork to make my pot use legal.
Well under certain circumstances if you have proof or reason to believe you were fired under discrimination, then you can present an attorney but under that kind of circumstance being Marijuana is still illegal under a federal statute as a whole, you wouldn't have much luck.
No one is protected under any law in the state I live in. Medical state or not, they don't need to give a definitive explanation why you are being terminated. I've seen this happen and employers are not required to say why you are being terminated..which is why it's called "at will" employment for both the employer and employee. There is no RCW in Washington state that protects a medical card holder under any circumstances for being subject to drug testing for employment purposes. I know this, because I looked into it. It wouldn't be worth it losing the job I have as much as I disagree with unfair it year there will be an initiative to end prohibition in Washington state and I'll sign to that!

Huh, it's just that I remember the MPP releasing an article several years ago that they were talking with different state legislators about job protection for those who take Medical Marijuana. So of course I assumed that some states had passed a bill regarding that. Well that teaches me a lesson about assumptions and not to trust them.
Huh, it's just that I remember the MPP releasing an article several years ago that they were talking with different state legislators about job protection for those who take Medical Marijuana. So of course I assumed that some states had passed a bill regarding that. Well that teaches me a lesson about assumptions and not to trust them.

Yeah, it doesn't matter friend. State's can medically give it you if it's legal in that state. But the fact is, it remains to be illegal federally, unless total prohibition comes to an end, those employers can and will most likely have a reason to terminate you and do not have to explain should look up how "at will" employment works..Never assume..its best to be well informed about stuff like that to know what your rights are and such as an employee and thoroughly know that company's policies that subject those to drug testing.
here's part of an article that proves medically approved states where employers reside do not need to accommodate users of medical marijuana, Oregon, California and Washington all mentioned..all due to the fact that it remains illegal under federal law. But i definitely tip my hat off to this man who is fighting against this. I hate to be the bear of bad news but we must face this issue and take it seriously and have laws passed by congress who can protect those who are medically approved to use marijuana. because that's the only way it's going to happen.
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It takes 26 states to pass medical marijuana laws to make it federally legal, and since after this past election we are up more than halfway there.
It takes 26 states to pass medical marijuana laws to make it federally legal, and since after this past election we are up more than halfway there.

Really? I didn't know that. you got any links to share that show this? The quicker the States individually come together as a whole, and put the Feds in their spot, the better. I'm sick of this expansion of government control. That's why my political views are libertarian..that means I dont lean left, nor right. I hate democrats and republicans equally. I believe in working for what you want, and what you earn should be yours and not the government's.
Hmm I dont know about that..the direction this country has turned in the last couple years really makes you wonder..I dont trust anything or would compromise with the government in ANY way.
Psh the democratic agenda is more socialist than ever..the only thing they want is expansion of government. More for them and less for you...and you can bet legalization of marijuana isn't on there. Obama and Biden already let that be known..One And Done they are.
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yup republicans arn't usually for that. I say screw medicinal purposes and make it all-out legal. Even if it did become legal for medical use in your state, it's still limited and you wouldn't be protected under any rights if an employer wants to drug test. They need to take this to the house, literally..and end's all or nothing I say. It's the only way it will work.
Found this and had to share.

Funny you post that..I was at Church on Christmas Day and these old folks in front of me near the alter were saying that Marijuana is an evil plant much like the situation how Adam and Even bit the Apple story. I told them that's ludicrous. No one can't tell me a plant that grows from the ground is evil. I mean, WOW. Amazing.
Over Christmas I had a conversation with my mom about pot. She's happy that I have safe access.

I remember the first time my parents caught me smokin weed once and it was one of those things where "uh oh who gets to explain the pot is bad for you stuff" and then they thought oh who are we kidding we've done it too we'll sound like they dont care either way.
I didn't start smoking until earlier this year.
The conversation between me and my dad went as such
Me - "I've started smoking pot because of my UC"
Dad - "Does it help?"
Me - "yes"
Dad - "Alright, I don't care"
You know, it's so stupid. I mean its POT for crying outloud. It makes everything that much better. Video Games, Social Events, (or any event that's social for that matter) I remember going to some Mariners baseball games and we'd smoke out in parking lot before going to the game and we had the best times nothing like night games and having the munchies..I think I ate more sourkraut and johnsville brats than I did in my entire life hahaha
My mom is on board for me pot smoking, thing is since we have my sister and my two small nieces living with us we don't want CPS rearing their ugly head. She's also a breast cancer survivor and wished that she had it for her chemo sessions (even though she had never tried it before). But I told that since she's Manic-Depressive & Bipolar that she shouldn't. And also that she's a school teacher doesn't help, because the school district implemented a new code of conduct where one clause says that if any drug use is found in your home, by you or your children, it's grounds for termination.

But once I get on SSD and maybe (that being the operative word) getting enough money for my own place she said she won't care. Just to be smart about. Which makes me have ideas about buying some air purifiers and maybe a really safe place to keep the pot (like a safe).
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Air purifiers work wonders, I have one because when my ex moved in she brought a cat and I'm allergic to them. I only smoke outside, which has not been fun during the winter, once I get the apartment back to myself I might set up a smoking room.
I smoke every day. It helps me eat. Without it, I would just waste away. It helps me relax, drop the stress and anxiety, and let's my body relax, as well. It can be great for cramps, depression, all sorts of things. Sadly, it does not help me keep the house clean, and this upsets the wife.
Marijuana; stops my diarrhea, eliminates all pain, reduces bleeding, gives me an appetite (I have had some real bad times when I have been so repulsed by food that the thought of eating makes me convulse), calms me and helps me keep the disease in remission.

It also helps me not have to take steroids, sulfa drugs etc. all of which have far worse side- effects than marijuana.

I usually use cannabis daily, or every 3 days if I am rationing.

I have found that when I last was in the USA for a month and a half, and was prevented from obtaining cannabis, that I got so ill (half way through the tour) that I was bed-bound, in agony, unable to eat. Somehow, I still did all my shows (I am ashamed to say that some of my performances were not up to standard though) and caught all my flights, but I went through hell.

I managed to smoke one joint with a jazz band in Chicago (I think) and I was completely free from symptoms for 2 days, and could eat.

When I got back to Australia and smoked up regularly, I rapidly became better and started to regain weight, I am currently doing very well, with little more symptoms than occasional bleeding.

I believe that we all have a responsibility to always let doctors know about the experiences that we have had with medical marijuana.....otherwise nothing will ever change....not here in Queensland, anyway.

I had the same experience when I was in Chicago last year, It was only for a few days but I noticed a huge difference. The night I got back across the border I was asking my girlfriend's friend if I could hit them up for a joint.

Its like lip balm, you think you need it but not really.

OMG. That is so true!

I'm 42 and I'm still not sure if my parents ever knew that I smoked pot. If I told them I was doing it now and it helps with my Crohns, they would be totally fine with that. They are getting more mellow in their old age, and they just want to see me feeling better.

- Amy