Last year I was rushed into hospital had some intestine removed and wastold I had crohns. This came out of the blue at the age of 49. 1 year later and my marraige is over. My wife anounced that she was fed up with me being ill and wants me to leave. Well I'm gutted. In fairness this was as much a surprise to her as it was me and it's not what she signed up for. I'm not a whinger when I'm ill but I have struggled this last year, phisicly and financially. (I am self employed). but I pulled it round on my own with very little support. I started back to work too early after my op and I now have a hernia wich needs fixing and it seems to be too much for her. We have been married exactly 25 years and I find that I'm on my own facing the prospect of finding somwhere to live whilst undergoing another operation followed by 2 months off work again. Life can be cruel sometimes can't it.