staying connected with your partner can be tough. The last six months I have been in pretty rough shape with some really bad times followed be a couple of weeks of relief as the remicade has started to fail. it has been giving me only a couple of decent weeks then i spiral out of control again. the pain/ fevers/ abscess(fistula) has made it extremely hard to have any drive at all. my fiancee(our wedding is june 9th, just wanted to get though feeling halfway decent) has been very understanding and if i can in any way, at anytime i make sure that we make a point to stay close and what not....i make sure i tell her how much i love her, when i am have a bad day, how beautiful and desirable she is, and how thankful i am that she understands that its not her but the pain and me feeling horrible. i think its important to make sure they understand why your drive is down, that it's due to pain, that you don't feel well or "sexy" which i'm certain is something that is more needed for a women to feel up to bedroom adventures. they need to know that mentally you find them desirable so they don't become down about it. i try my hardest to recognize how much stress and strain it puts on her. that she has people she can vent to. its important that our main supporters stay mentally healthy so they can be strong for us.