May need to add carbs....rice?

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Nov 18, 2015

My daughter (almost 15) has been on SCD 7 months and doing well. Last blood work showed no inflammation, she's grown a an inch and gained a few pounds. Doctors support SCD but don't know enough to give us advice other than "it seems to be working". We are concerned that she may not be getting enough carbs to really kick-start growth, and puberty. I read a new study about IBD-AID Diet and added oats, which are supposed to be "legal". Gave her horrible gas and gurgling. No diarrhea She also seems to get stomach upset from eating too many fiber-rich legal foods - dried fruit, for example. But she is so picky anyway that we hate to take anything out.

I just have a feeling that a bland carb like rice might work for her (and she loves it), but of course it's very illegal. Wondering if anyone has had luck sticking mostly to SCD or Paleo but adding in a carb. Thanks.
I was on special carb diet for about a year and got sick of eating squash for my carbs. But you could add a little white rice for sure just start slow and work your way up. And make sure it's cooked well and chewed well. The bacteria in our gut need these different carbs to grow. Some of the good guys
Did you add the oats raw or cooked? I can't cope with them raw but I soak overnight in water and yoghurt and cook for a long time until they become really mushy porridge.
white rice or sweet potatoes, start slow to see if it is tolerated and to increase bacterial numbers.....
You could try quinoia. But of course, plants have carbs. You just have to eat more. The concern is fibre. Can she get enough to help the microbiome, and does the fibre cause problems.

Paleo worked very well for me, but i started eating rice, buckwheat, millet, organic corn, lentil flour and other carb rich food as i thought I wanted more energy. In practice I felt better before, but for instance I was having a breakfast salad with 30 ingredients that took 30 minutes to prepare. But from my perspective, the worst IBD culprits are gluten/gliadin, many gluten/gliadin substitutes (found in gluten free bread and biscuits), additives, MSG, preservatives etc.
Hi. I have a child on scd and I understand. There are times when I am tempted to adjust it for a number of reasons. However, although there are a handful of small scale studies that show good results in patients who can stick to it religiously, there are no studies that show success when people modified on their own. That is going off the diet. We are thinking of it just like we would meds. You either follow it as studies show work or move on. If we decide scd isn't a good fit one day we will move to something else with a track record.

But I feel your pain...

There are two studies going on that compare scd, ibd aid and organic in Crohn's patients.
Everyone may be slightly different but I can't tolerate rice very well. Try it but be ready to remove it right away if she becomes worse.
SCD principles have been very helpful to me over the years by the way.
My advice: experiment with higher vitamin d levels, quite a few studies show benefits for crohn's/IBD.

I also can tolerate oats, well cooked refried beans that have been mixed well and some brands of wheat.
Maybe try brown rice instead of white. It has a lower glycemic index and thus provides a lower/slower blast of carbs to the system than white rice does. More fiber too.
I've been on scd but have added rice(white at first, wild and then a little brown)and sweet potatoes to my diet without any issues. It's been fine for me but like everything else, it may not be ok for others.
What's the good time to take in the whit rice or potatoes that are illegal foods in SCD diet?

SCD has been around since the 50's and started as a cure for celiac disease before gluten was discovered.[1]
It was assumed that since stopping all complex carbs 'cured' the disease then the problem must be...... all complex carbs.

It is a diet that has given many people much benefit.
But it is a very rigid and dogmatic diet and it doesn't work well for everyone.
SCD is very paleo-ish (even referred to as paleo’s little brother [2] I think).

And the science has come a long way too!

Paleo is also many different things to different people so as a label it has limited value other than to point in the general direction that you should be looking in diet wise.

It's all very individual.…
Sometimes you might want to have more or less carbs for different reasons.
The paleo world has generally accepted the notion of “Safe starches”, but this refers to the idea that they are free of toxins [3], not that it is safe to eat them whenever you want.

I recommend reading Paul Jaminet’s blogs on gut disease to get a well thought out take on diet and supplements and see if it makes sense to you

Bowel Disorders, Part I: About Gut Disease[/I]
“In our view, various dietary and nutritional tactics are critical, with toxin elimination and vitamin D normalization among the most important steps. Most medical treatments are likely to be ineffective if the diet is bad.

Bowel Disease, Part II: Healing the Gut By Eliminating Food Toxins
Summary of Toxic Foods to Eliminate or Avoid
In short, bowel disease patients should eliminate toxic foods from their diet:

Bowel Disease, Part III: Healing Through Nutrition
Although not a complete list of the vitamins and minerals which may be helpful to bowel disease patients, these are among the most important – and most often overlooked:

Bowel Disease, Part IV: Restoring Healthful Gut Flora
A healthy gut is a multi-species society: it is the cooperative product of the human body with trillions of bacterial cells from a thousand or more species.
An unhealthy gut is, more often than not, the product of a breakdown in this collaboration.


[2] “series of talks on paleo and IBD by Dr. Joseph Brasco of the Huntsville Center for Colon and Digestive Disease”

[3] “any starchy food that (after being properly cooked and prepared!) is low in fructose and relatively free from natural toxins (like lectins, saponins, and gluten and related proteins….”
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