Maybe note worthy, maybe not

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May 31, 2010
They have shortened the time in between infusions from 8 weeks to 6 weeks. I have been experiencing what I am calling ghost pain, because we are not sure what is causing it. I have two weeks of relative pain free and then went down hill from there. Everything hurts, except for my bowels, go figure, :eek:so the last time I ended up in ER they gave me another infusion of Remicade and now I am relatively pain free again. I know that it will come back but at least the pain time will not be as long. :eek:
What parts are hurting? It maybe allmental stuff but are you exercising enough?I find sitting around makes my whole body hurt after a while.

Seems strange though so just clutching at straws
My best explanation is muscles and tendons, but then elbow joints collar bone, ankles, knees. Yeah I know I am a slug, I don't exercise near as much as I use to. I picked some 5 lb rocks and next day couldn't grip anything with my hands, they hurt. Helped pull out some chain link fencing from the bush, (it wasn't really that hard) and shoulders legs and feet kicked in. I am going to start (what do they call it) strength training, I have the stuff at home to do it, just need to gather the guts.
Try this YOGA loads of people are having a go, furthest away is about 20days, but people are still starting day 1 as we speak. May help limber you up and get some strength back at a good pace.

im on day 4 (after missing a few days after my 1st go lol)
Yes, I think I will start it. I am going to start tomorrow, though, it being Friday and I am pooped after work. That would be better than starting strength training right now, I think? Right?!

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