Meatless Protein?

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Jun 19, 2013
I have a really hard time with all forms of meat. I have stopped eating it but not sure what to do for protein. I am pretty new to all this so if anyone can give me some protein options that aren't going to send me to the ER I would really appreciate it.

If you can tolerate them... beans, nuts, eggs, whole grains, dairy are all good sources of protein.

I know a lot of people have trouble with whole beans... but you might want to try tofu or other fermented soy products.

Same with dairy -- many people who are lactose-intolerant are able to consume cultured or fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir, where much of the lactose is converted during fermentation.

And if grains like wheat are a problem, you might want to try quinoa or steel-cut oats.

Again, it all depends on what you personally can tolerate, but there are lots of meatless sources of protein!
What is your condition like, do you have inflammation or narrowing?

Safe sources would be nut butters, eggs, dairy, white flour, tofu, puréed beans (without skin).

If you truly are ok whole grains are great but I know many with IBD including myself cannot tolerate them.

I'm actually not sure if its inflammation or narrowing I won't know that until my colonoscopy and I can't wait!!!

If I were to guess I'd say inflammation because of how swollen my stomach is.
It's probably best to stick to the low fiber/residue protein sources till you know if the others are safe and tolerable for you.
Just eating a broad range of things (even if no meat is involved) will be sufficient except if you suffer from malabsorption. Liquids rich on protein specifically help because you can just drink more than you can eat. Except if you have props with milk, I would consider half a litre per day, potentially with cereal.

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