Hello all,
I am a new member to the forums. After ongoing symptoms that began in April 2012, I was finally diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, after a colonoscopy, this past week.
My symptoms included:
-Episcleritis (right eye)
-Uveitis (left eye)
-Ball like inflammation in back of my right ear, as well as on my nose.
-Bumps (inflammation like) on my legs.
-Cramps: although painful, hasn’t been too severe, as of yet
-Mild to excessive bowel movements.
-Severe joint pains (especially on the knees, hips and ankles)
-Fatigue (both physical and mental) – which I believe has had negative implications socially; not being able to be myself
-Mouth sores
-Skin seems to be dry and bruise easily.
During the course of these past few months I have been on Sulfasalazine and Entocort. I have experienced some side effects amongst the two, most notably headaches and a rapid heartbeat. Some of the symptoms described above have been resolved, however, in place – new ones have appeared. Fatigue, joint pains, excessive bowel movements and cramps seem to be constant.
During my ‘diagnosis’ appointment with my Doctor, he advised me that Sulfasalazine alone would not be able to contain my symptoms, and the use of steroids had very negative implications on the body in the long term. He advised that the use of Remicade or Humira would be a more effective treatment plan; although, there would be side-effects associated with the use of these two drugs. I took a few days to think about the alternatives, while they ordered chest ex-rays, MRI, blood work, etc (to see if I’d be able to take the drugs in the first place). Researching these two drugs online, I read about the serious side-effects associated with their use. I’ve decided not to pursue the use of these medications (unless last resort), and decided to look into other alternatives.
I did a lot of research on medical marijuana as an alternative and based on what I found, the herb seems to have many positive implications. I do live in Southern CA – I would be able to have ‘legal’ access to it.
I did have two questions that I’d like to ask the forum. I know plenty members here have dealt with what I have just started dealing with, for many years. I would really value and appreciate any of your opinions and suggestions –
1.) Is MMJ primarily used to keep patients in remission for a longer period of time (as Humira, Remicade, etc) OR to relieve the pain associated with and during flare-ups.
2.) Of course, no one knows my symptoms and feelings associated with it better than I do – however, based on the ones I noted – does it seem as if I would benefit from the use of cannabis.
Thank you all, sorry for the novel