Medical marijuana remission

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Dec 5, 2014
Have been doing research for MMj to help a close relative with crohns. It is now legal in California, but can't seem to get enough info on dose and varieties. Has been taking 4 to 1 ratio and has worked better than anything else tried but some days doesn't seem to help
Can you give some specifics as to: A) what do you mean by 4 to 1 ratio? B) the difference in particular symptoms relating to doing marijuana and not doing marijuana (what happens when on it as opposed to not on it) C) what other meds are they on, or are they trying to manage strictly with marijuana?
Since it it legal in CA, either the Doc prescribing or the dispenseries should have all the info needed on varieties and the THC percentages available.
I'm in Cali. What I was told is the 'doctors' who give you your license can't recommend particular dispensaries or certain types or brands of MM.

I would have her go to a dispensary that is medicinal-based (instead of recreation-based, which is many of them). One in my area (San Francisco) is very health/medicine based, and even has classes for people new to medical marijuana, about how to manage your pain and recommends what to buy, etc. Going there is a much different experience than the more recreation-focused places.

I've found the CBD edibles (I get the chocolate bars and eat a small amount of chocolate when I'm in pain) help with my pain without causing any of the 'high' feelings.
I think it's a good concept to do a medical-based educational class. Regardless of the stigma attached to using MM, it does work for some without having to constantly be on opiate-based pain meds, which have a bunch of side effects. I'll be honest, i was a heavy recreational user a long time ago when I was in my 20's, I'm now in my 40's, and hadn't smoked in over 15 years. I was diagnosed with Crohn's in October and was really big on managing somewhat as naturally as possible with diet, supplements, etc (I always took my prescribed meds from my GI, too). A few weeks ago, I vaped for 3 days, curious to see if I could detect ANY change in symptoms or pain. All it did was make me focus on the pain and think about my disease too much. So for me, MM is a no. I feel I should add I've been a nurse for 22 years working in all areas of the medical field.
I do hope that for people who really benefit from MM as opposed to opiates find understanding Docs and not worry about stigmas associated with it's use. I've seen some amazing benefits in cancer patients over the years.
Hope this helped some 😊