My 14 year old son was diagnosed with CD in October 2012. He did 6 weeks of EN which improved his condition but not entirely. GI wanted to normalise things and after much agonising we agreed to a 6 week course of Budesonide (Entocort) combined with 2 Modulen shakes a day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. This has worked well and recent bloodwork showed a normal CRP score plus normal levels of Haemoglobin etc. GI very happy with situation, son feeling energetic and healthy. GI now wants to deal with the ongoing maintenance meds and after much discussion etc he would like to go straight to Infliximab (Revellax/Remicade). I am have questioned (incessantly) the use of this drug at this stage, why not try out one of the milder treatments to start with? How does one know what one's own body is capable of doing if meds are pumped in straight away. This is a pretty recent diagnosis and my son's symptoms were always fairly mild, no diarrohea or obvious cramps, it was more like a silent attack. He was very anaemic and iron defficient, poor weight etc. So I feel so worried about pumping his body with such dramatic meds, even though I understand GI's wish to keep his system as healthy as possible. The situation after appointment with GI yesterday is that from today we start reducing dose of Budesonide and increase the Modulen formula to 3 a day. In the meantime we have done all the paperwork for insurance to apply for the Revellex, which can take up to a month to process. I know that most parents on this forum have these very issues with deciding on which meds and am hoping somebody can point me in the right direction. HELP!