Medications for crohns

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Apr 4, 2010
Hi, i have been put on a course of Fragyl, which i need to take for appr 3 weeks for my crohns.. My body is aching , could this be a side effect. and i have had a shockingheadache, i am on day 5. Anyone else take this drug? maybe i am just getting the flu (kids have had it ) Also after much googling, just wonder what this drug actually does. I have just finished 6weeks on predisilone. thanks
I have been on and off Flagyl for many years, seems to be the only drug that keeps my flares down. I rarely take the full doses because yes, headache, nausea is very common, but not body aches, not a common one. It is an antifungal and anti bacterial antibiotic. As said in your other post, no booze, makes you really sick and the yeast infections are common side effects. Taking probiotics help. Most people go on it for 2 weeks full dosage, and it does work. Just a cheaper drug than Cipro which was another drug of choice for me. I havent been on either for 3 weeks and hoping no more. YOU have to grin and bare it , it does help, sides are nasty.
I am on both Flagyl and cipro right now. Just started a few days ago. I did have nausea this morning only side effect so far. i am on them for 10 days.
I was on flagyl & cipro for several weeks and I do not ever want to take those drugs again ~ not EVER!!!!!!! I can't be certain which one or whether it was a combination of the tow together, but I had headaches, my gut hurt, I felt nauseated constantly, I had no energy, I wept alot and kept getting weak in my arms. I finally couldn't stand it and quit 4 days short of finishing the full regimen, told my doctors I didn't care I would rather be ill from an roganic sickness than from those freaking meds.

Hopefully, you will NOT go through this; a great many people take flagyl and have found relief and healing with it. Good luck & I hope you feel better soon!!

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