Menstrual cycle and symptoms?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 7, 2013
This is for any Crohnie that menstruates... when you're pre-menstrual, do you have worse IBD symptoms?

I'm in somewhat remission (mild symptoms, no meds, controlled with diet and low stress) But occasionally I would wake up at night so sick, and throw up my dinner, and have terrible heartburn for the next day or two. I take omeprazole daily and it keeps me from having any issues, except when this happens.

After a day or so, it goes away and my stomach is back to normal (well, my normal)

Today I noticed that my app says my period should start in the next couple days, and last night I woke up, threw up , and today my stomach aches so much. Then I realized it's been about a month since the last one happened, and the one before that. Is that normal? To have worse symptoms when you have PMS?
My symptoms get much worse when I am due to get my period. I am on the contraceptive pill so I always know when I am due. The two days before I get extra tired and lethargic and my brain doesn't work properly. I also get hot and cold and just feel generally unwell. Last time i had to go home from work because I was feeling so rough, i thought it was because i had reduced my medication but now i see that i feel worse every 4 weeks. I wish I could blame it on the blood loss or something but it's always before that when I feel worse. I'm not sure about bowel movements as i'm still newly diagnosed and getting my symptoms under control.
Yes, mine get worse...they have ever since I started menstruating over 20 years ago!

Not sure if any of it's related to the disease, but here's what I get:

-a day or 2 prior I have a day where I am literally freezing cold all day...weird
-for three days before I almost feel sick. Lethargic, achey, just generally blah
-one the 2nd day I usually get diarrhea (sometimes I have constipation before, sometimes not)
-I also get the cramping and spotting mid cycle
-I get terrible cramps for the first 2 bad sometimes my legs even hurt!
-I do get PMS grouchiness and sore ****s about 1 week out

All this and I was never able to have kids...Sometimes I feel like my body hates me!

When flaring (currently in remission) I would get the symptoms above but with much worse diarrhea for the first 2-3 days. When I was flaring badly and severely under weight I lost my period all together.
Same story here. About 3 days before my period I notice symptoms getting worse. I'm now on birth control (for acne not period stuff) and I have noticed it helps lessen my symptoms that I got around my period. I do miss not having it though as happened when I first got sick, no period for 5 months.

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