A few months ago, I didn't even know what an endoscopy or colonoscopy was! I was extremely scared and worried, but the constant symptoms I was having was enough to give me the bravery I needed to go through with all of the testing.
I know you probably can't hear it enough, but the worst part is the prep. Everything else from then on is smooth sailing. Once your passing clear/yellowish liquid, you know you're cleaned out and don't have to drink anymore of the prep! It's extremely difficult to go the whole day without any solid foods, too. But, if you get nauseous from the prep, it kinda helps out with your hunger. So just relax at home all day, because you'll be running back and forth to the bathroom constantly once the prep kicks in.
The next morning, you get to the hospital or the clinic and they check you in. They take you back and you remove your clothing and put on a gown, before they lead you back to a preparation room. They hook you up to the IV cable and give you some liquid to keep you hydrated, and you just wait for the doctor to come back and ask you questions.
For me, I just asked what the sedation was going to feel like, how long I would be exhausted, if I was going to feel anything...Just ask them questions about your worries. Because they'll calm your nerves and relax you as much as they can.
When thats over, you're taken into the room and asked to lay on your side, and that's all you'll remember! Soon you'll be in the recovery room, hopefully with answers! Sorry for the long response! But remember, just ask your doctor or anyone on the forum about anything you're curious about.