Mercaptopurine started to work?

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Feb 9, 2009
I have been on 6mp for 14 weeks now, in the past two weeks my groin fistula has dried up and closed, hopefully it will stay closed, also my crp which has been very unstable and always between 40 and 160 has remained at 6 for the past two weeks, I'm am down to 15mg of pred which the gastro wants me to remain on for another 3 weeks before reducing further. So I guess I'll just have to keep everything crossed and hope for the best.
Great to hear things are going well. I remember when my fistula tried up after nearly a year, that was really a massive relief. Although, even after 13 years it's still there...

Anyway, reducing pred slowly is a good thing except if you really have no inflammation whatsoever.
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Yes my surgeon says that even with infliximab the fistula tracts are often still there although they can lie dormant for many years.
As far as I understand they remain there practically forever. They did a drainage in early 2000 and yep, it's still there and sometimes it leaks...
I think your right my butt cheek was like a pepper pot in the late 90's and although there is only one that leaks slightly nowadays there is a lot of scarring and as far as I know like rabbit warrens bellow the surface.
And what medical dope has to do with it I'm not sure i think the sites wiki answers is a bit over active tonight!!
I took azathioprine successfully for 10 years but after a break could not tolerate it at all. 6mp caused very slight nausea at the start but passed after a few weeks.
Thanks Bigtruck.
I am due to start this evening but on the bottle it says to take at least 1 hour after dinner and not with any milk products for 2 hours either side of taking the 6MP
I've never had any problem but as I say we're normally only talking what's in a cup of tea, my gi said I could take it either morn or night and or split the dose, I prefer to take all my pills first thing and then they're done for the day.

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