Methotrexate and Azathioprine

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 8, 2012
Toronto, Canada
Has anyone on here ever been on both at the same time? Right now I'm on Aza 200mg/D and Trex 20mg/w... Been on both for a few months now. My Crohn's doesn't feel too bad but I've been experiencing some moderate to severe all over body pain, I've lost about 35lbs since Feb and I'm tired quite a bit. I had some blood work done and my CRP level is elevated which points to some sorta inflammation but dunno if it's my crohns or possibly some sorta Arthritis.

Anyone have any ideas with what's going on?


sounds like you are flaring and need to move up to a biologic. what does your doctor say?

Haven't heard of anyone else on both at once but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. If you have RA then it would sort of make sense since MTX is very effective for RA where as I think AZA is not so much.
I was on Cimzia for two years...It was great when I first started but start losing it's effectiveness around the end of year one.

I see my Gasto in a week or so and then my Rhumy in September. Hoping they figure out what's going on.
My daughter was almost doing that treatment but in the end we decided to drop the Mtx & keep humira adding Aza. For combo treatment to be most effective I'm told 2 different classes of drugs are best like an immunosuppressive & biologic. It was disappointing to drop the Mtx as it started to make a difference at first and then stopped working completely for her. I hope it shows promise for you as I know a few that do well on it.

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