My migraines often start with my head feeling all stuffed up, especially if I've been around trigger smells. Decongestants were part of my self-prescribed treatment for years but, like you said, got to the point of only taking the edge off. I still use decongestants on occasion if I've not caight it it early enough with the naratryptan. I've also started using the decongestants with antihistamines since most of my headaches seem to be related to an allergic reaction.I recall reading somewhere that there may be an inflammatory component or cause to migraines.
I sometimes had what I considered really bad sinus headaches, years before the migraines started, which would lead to me taking multiple decongestants and allergy medications, and a couple different pain relievers, sometimes just with the result of taking the edge off so I could get through what I needed to do or go take a nap. I don't think those were actually migraines, but they were approaching it in pain level.
Hey that Histamine link is really interesting. My preventative - Sandomigran / pizitofen is also an antihistamine...The plot thickens!
Guess that's why taking an antihistamine for my Humira headaches works so well, I take it at night before I go to bed on the day I give myself a shot of Humira...before that I would suffer with agonizing headaches for 2-3 days from Humira.
Didn't even realise there was a support group for this! I'm glad it's here, though. I started getting migraines in August - and what a doozy. My introduction to migraines was a 10-day streak of multiple migraines a day. By the time I'd gotten an appointment with my GP, finally seen her, and she prescribed me some sumatriptan, they vanished as quickly as they came. Everything was fine for just over a month, then in mid-October they started again. No chains of migraines this time, thankfully, but I'm getting one at an average of about every 10 days - some closer to weekly, some fortnightly or further apart. Using an app to track them and there's no apparent food or environmental trigger so I'm pretty much at a loss. Have only tried sumatriptan twice and both times it had zero effect although it's possible that I'm leaving it too long once a migraine begins to take them (since mine ramp up very slowly and remain pretty much until the next day at least). For now they're merely irritating - and a massive drain on my productivity - but I've been to the GP so frequently for so many different issues over the last few months that I really don't want to go any more unless I'm forced to. So I'll just keep tracking them and see if a pattern emerges.
Didn't even realise there was a support group for this! I'm glad it's here, though. I started getting migraines in August - and what a doozy. My introduction to migraines was a 10-day streak of multiple migraines a day. By the time I'd gotten an appointment with my GP, finally seen her, and she prescribed me some sumatriptan, they vanished as quickly as they came. Everything was fine for just over a month, then in mid-October they started again. No chains of migraines this time, thankfully, but I'm getting one at an average of about every 10 days - some closer to weekly, some fortnightly or further apart. Using an app to track them and there's no apparent food or environmental trigger so I'm pretty much at a loss. Have only tried sumatriptan twice and both times it had zero effect although it's possible that I'm leaving it too long once a migraine begins to take them (since mine ramp up very slowly and remain pretty much until the next day at least). For now they're merely irritating - and a massive drain on my productivity - but I've been to the GP so frequently for so many different issues over the last few months that I really don't want to go any more unless I'm forced to. So I'll just keep tracking them and see if a pattern emerges.