Mike.Mike.s Short Story

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Mar 4, 2010
Hello everyone! My name is mike and i am 21. I was diagnosed with Crohns disease sometime in 2008.

Everything started back when i was in middle school. I could never make it to school due to the constant diarrhea and anxiety that would come with it. After seeing my doctor he decided to tell me that i had anxiety which was giving me a nervous bowel.
He put me on Zoloft for the anxiety and left it at that.. I knew he was wrong and that something had to be wrong with me. But im not a Dr. and he is so i just went on with everything barely making it through 7th and 8th grade.

There was only one reason why i thought anxiety could be the problem.
My family has a cottage on lake erie where we would spend our summers(on the beach) I would usually have no problems and could live my life as a normal child.

In high school everything became much worse. With my problem getting worse my anxiety had also gotten worse. By 11th grade i was going to school probably twice a week at the most. I was always super uncomfortable and did not want to be their. I realized i was not going to be able to graduate on time and dropped out.

After that I decided to try going to community college where i could get my GED while getting an associates degree in something. After a semester their i could not make it to class on time and stopped taking classes.

Fast Forward. I decided enough was enough and told my doctor to figure out wtf was wrong with me. I went to what i like to call "The butt Dr" who ordered a colonoscopy. Thats when i was diagnosed with the Crohns.

He put me on pentasa which seemed to work great for me at first and i was able to actually start working! A couple months later i had gotten a fistula which was no fun at all. Continued taking pentasa.

Where im at today: I am back in school for Mechanical Engineering and barely making it to classes sometimes.
My girlfriend has put me on all types of vitamins and a gluten free diet pretty much(except when i sneak some goodies) which has seemed to help a lot.

I can tell the disease is starting to get a little worse and after seeing the Dr today he wants to put me on a drug called Entocort? I was wondering if anyone has had any experiences with it? My g/f thinks i should get a second opinion from a Hellenistic Dr. She is a health nut and just wants everything to be done a natural way.

I just want to be able to go out and about with out the worry of having to find somewhere to go to the bathroom constantly :[

Thanks for reading! hope to get some feedback on this Endocort! :] :hallo2:
:welcome: Mike.....I had great results on Entocort...As much as I dream about going the natural route, it has been an impossibility in my life...Convential medicine has worked the best for me....In fact I regret not going full force with some of the stronger medications. I think I could have put off surgery for a while longer if my disease had been under better control.....This disease tends to escalate when not managed well, which can lead to scarring. Consider giving the Entocort a try. Good luck and welcome to the forum.
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Hi Mike!!!Welcome! Another Mike ...hard to keep em' straight :lol:

I have been on and off Entocort and it is a mild to moderate drug, most people do well with that and Pentasa (5 ASA) that is also mild and helps to keep in control. I was on it for a month and then got worse so now on Prednisone. Entocort has less side effects so it is the choice from Doctors who's patients are in milder cases.

I understand your girlfriend's thoughts too, Kudo's that she cares to help you the best way. I have tried the natural pathic doctors and gluten free, even as diet goes or stress it is not the cause of the disease, it can aggrivate it. Everyone is different though.

A good idea you could do it go on Entocort and try some natural supplements so that if you wean off Entocort eventually the natural stuff may work. Just a thought, glad you found us, lots of information and wonderful people to share with you! Let us know how are you are doing!
Hi Mike
and welcome
lots of help here for you and support, any questions, there's always someone here.
Never been on Entocort, so can't help you with that, but I'm on Pentasa, and have been for years, but now on a course of Pred for a bad flare.
Don't know much about homeopathic/hollistic remedies, but I do know that I wouldn't like to put up with this crap disease without meds, and that changing my diet has no effect at all, it's an unpredictable bitch this Crohns!
It comes and goes whenever it wants, and if it IS something I've ate, I don't eat it again!
hope you get some meds that work for you, you've had a rough time, and you shouldn't be suffering in pain
sending best wishes to you
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Hi Mike- welcome to the forum.

I never took entercort- I was always on 6MP and then the biologics, Cimzia. Sorry I can't help in that dept.

I do support 2nd opinions though, they can be very helpful. And I know where you're coming from on the health-nut significant others! My wife is the only reason I eat as healthy as I do. And if you watch what you eat with Crohn's you are much better off.

Good luck settling down on a medicine. And I hope for you that you can get through school and are able to live better with Crohn's!
Hi Mike and welcome to the forum!! :)

I have been on Entocort which is a milder steroid than Prednisone
and it works wonders!

I would have no problem if my GI doc wanted to put me back on it again.

Believe me, your girlfriend's diet along with the Entocort could and should work
great for you.

Once again, Welcome
Welcome Mike!

I have only been dx four months now and I've just had a third med added to my collection, none of which includes Endocort. But I've learned that no two Crohn's cases are the same. I advise you take what the doctor ordered and give it some time to take effect. If it works... hurray!! If you don't get relief it's back to the drawing board... and so it goes.

Your girl's a brilliant one!

Good luck and let us know how the Endocort works.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!!

Yeah the g/f try's to take care of me the best she can and i am so great full for that!
It sucks that she has to put up with me when we go out..i am usually super miserable.

But i will probably get the second opinion from her Dr. See what he/she says and then start the entocort! Im glad it has worked wonders for some of you! It would be awesome if it could do the same for me!

Hi Mike!

I've never been on entocort, but from what others have said it sounds like it is a lot better than prednisone. Your girlfriend sounds lovely - I'm so glad she's trying so hard to get you healthy! Like IMP said, I wish the "just natural" approach worked for me, but my Crohn's flares don't seem to stop for anything other than steroids. I do think that a good diet/supplements are beneficial to getting to and staying in remission, though.

I hope you find some relief soon!
Hi Mike, I've been on Entocort for the last 6 months and it has helped. The side effects are nowhere near as bad as Prednisone. In fact I can't even think of anything differant about my system since Entocort.

Good luck with everything.
Hi Mike
Apparantly I have been on Entocort! It's called Budesonide here in UK!
Thanks Penny!

and I'm sorry, but it didn't do anything for me
good luck hope it works for you
Joan xx
Astra101 said:
Hi Mike
Apparantly I have been on Entocort! It's called Budesonide here in UK!
Thanks Penny!

and I'm sorry, but it didn't do anything for me
good luck hope it works for you
Joan xx

Your welcome I saw your post and saw your drugs and we have had some in common, I just dont have enough room to list all that I have been on, easier to say what I am on now...
Hi again all! Haven't logged on in a while and thought i would just give a update on the Endocourt.. It seems to work a lot better than the pentasa did! All though anxiety still plays a huge roll with everything :[ Seems like if i can sort out the anxiety issues i can control this disease pretty well!!

Jettalady is your user name VW related?
Hi Mike:

I am just tapering off a course of Entocort. I had no side effects and I actually got back to feeling 'normal' which I never thought I'd see. Hoping the Asacol will keep things quiet for a while now. Good luck!
I like natural stuff too. I believe its more for maintinance of remmission. I tried to treat my flare naturally and it didnt work out too well. I was so used to being med free that it was hard for me to cave and take drugs. Now I wish I would have done it a lot sooner. I may be med free someday but I need drugs right now. Sometimes a combination of natural and conventional therapies is best.
Mike.Mike. said:
Hi again all!
Jettalady is your user name VW related?

Yes!!! I have had 2 Jetta Diesel TDi's, first one 06' and was a manual, and just recently an 09' automatic diesel. My knee has gotten worse over the years and now have to drive an automatic.

I love them and great on gas, good thing cause weekly shots and groceries are 45 min. And clean diesel is the way to go.. I want a tiquan but they wont have them out in Diesel for a couple of years ;). You thinking of getting one? They arent cheap but they are very well made. :)
Very nice! the TDIs are awesome!! The newer cleaner ones are a blast to drive. Only two cars i have had are VWs.. I am now in a 03 jetta and will have many more! My girlfriend had just got a newer Rabbit last summer and loves it as well!!


The current one :]

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