I am 28 and have been diagnosed with Crohns disease for about 4 years. I have had 2 colonoscopies showing mild/moderate patchy inflammation of my colon.
I have mild symtpoms - mainly lower abdominal pain which is rarely horrendous but it is very persistent and can be around for many days at a time often accompanied by mildly loose stools. Otherwise I am well. I have also had some periods of a few weeks/sometimes more with no or very mild symptoms.
I just wanted to ask the advice of members of this forum. I know a lot of people have worse Crohns than I but I still find the disease an ongoing problem.
Pentasa was no help and I actually suffered from bad pericarditis which was an assumed rare adverse reaction.
Entocort was good but I was on it for a year and was told it was bad to be on for longer (understandably).
I have been on Azathioprine 2.5mg/kg for 16 months. I think it has helped a little and I have tolerated it well but I am currently experiencing ongoing mild symtpoms and my GE has suggested stopping it.
I just dont feel I am getting anywhere with this disease. I have tried lots of other "therapies" like LDN, omega 3 supp. Etc to little effect and Diet and lifestyle choices apart from limiting alcohol dont appear to affect it. Although I exercise and eat healthily.
I am due to see my GE again soon, i think he might suggest Humira but I dont know if that is too drastic? I am worried about side effects and that it may just be like Aza and not help that much.I was very reluctant to start azathioprine and am dissapointed after giving it a really good go that it hasnt really helped me.
I would love to hear from people with similar symtpoms/experiences to me and find out what if anything has helped you
Thank you
I am 28 and have been diagnosed with Crohns disease for about 4 years. I have had 2 colonoscopies showing mild/moderate patchy inflammation of my colon.
I have mild symtpoms - mainly lower abdominal pain which is rarely horrendous but it is very persistent and can be around for many days at a time often accompanied by mildly loose stools. Otherwise I am well. I have also had some periods of a few weeks/sometimes more with no or very mild symptoms.
I just wanted to ask the advice of members of this forum. I know a lot of people have worse Crohns than I but I still find the disease an ongoing problem.
Pentasa was no help and I actually suffered from bad pericarditis which was an assumed rare adverse reaction.
Entocort was good but I was on it for a year and was told it was bad to be on for longer (understandably).
I have been on Azathioprine 2.5mg/kg for 16 months. I think it has helped a little and I have tolerated it well but I am currently experiencing ongoing mild symtpoms and my GE has suggested stopping it.
I just dont feel I am getting anywhere with this disease. I have tried lots of other "therapies" like LDN, omega 3 supp. Etc to little effect and Diet and lifestyle choices apart from limiting alcohol dont appear to affect it. Although I exercise and eat healthily.
I am due to see my GE again soon, i think he might suggest Humira but I dont know if that is too drastic? I am worried about side effects and that it may just be like Aza and not help that much.I was very reluctant to start azathioprine and am dissapointed after giving it a really good go that it hasnt really helped me.
I would love to hear from people with similar symtpoms/experiences to me and find out what if anything has helped you
Thank you