If you were on treatment, especially prednisone, it can reduce the inflammation and close the ulcers and you can "look" fine. Also, as far as I know, the pill cam is not 100% accurate. It cannot look at all of your intestines. As it goes through, it turns and may not "look" at a spot that has inflammation or an ulcer. I think that is hogwash to totally discount what the other physician saw. Does he think the previous doctor just photoshopped your pics or something??
I had a doctor do that to me once, too. I had been on IV steroids in the hospital for several weeks, plus oral prednisone when I was out. He did a scopy and the gene test (I forget what it is called) and said I didn't have Crohn's. I told him that I didn't think he could UN diagnose me that easily when I had been being treated for this for several years, and had repeated biopsies that showed granulomas, ulcers and other fine things that go along with Crohn's. He said he was smarter than the other doctors and said I had ischemic bowel.
I told him that I was a better patient than that, and promptly sought another doctor. I am much happier now. And guess what? I do still have Crohn's. My biopsies a year later were positive again.
I know Mayo has a great reputation, but I distrust doctors that will not take in account what another doctor found. Were there biopsies?? And what did they say?? This is a hard disease to diagnose. In my opnion he should be trying to resolve WHY there were differnces, and not just ignoring the differences.
As an aside, I highly recommend keeping a copy of all your medical tests and the results. You can get a copy of your pill cam footage, the colonsocopy picutres, xrays, blood work, everything. I don't normally keep copies of my colonoscopies but may now since my prervious experience made me nervous. I am not a doctor, but I look at everything, anyway. As a matter of fact, I have a place on my back xray that I have some serious questions about and will bring them up when I see the proper doctor!
I am not sure why it is so hard to get second opinions on xrays. They are just as subjective as any other medical decision. Not all radiologists are trained in seeing the finer details with the lesser known diseases. I need to do that with my back xray.
Do not be afraid to speak up. Let them know that you disagree, and feel they should take the earlier findings more seriously and if they won't they need to give you an explanation. An ulcer without a biopsy is not a full dianosis, but is should not be thrown out the window, either.
I am rambling again, aren't I? I hate doctors that think that the only thing you can us to diagnose from is what they see today. Autoimmunes are sneaky like that - - here today, gone tomorrow.
Good luck and hopelull he will be able to get it all together fo you.