
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 10, 2010
I have no clue where to start from, I am feeling extremely miserable and frustrated. I am an Indian and the fact that Crohns is a rare disease in India makes things worse for me. I have absolutely no one to share with what I am going through because I know they cannot understand and it makes me feel lonely.
My parents thought that I might be making it all up, or that it's all in my head, and doctors had suggested that there was absolutely no reason I would be experiencing symptoms like this for so long. I was misdiagonised with ovarian cysts and chronic Appendicitis and had a surgery to remove my appendix 2 years ago. I was having the same kind of pain and other symptoms after the surgery and realised that I had been misdiagonised, however my doc did not agree with me. I was determined this time that I wouldn't stop until I found out what was wrong. After a struggle of 12 years and being told by every doc I saw that there was nothing wrong with me I finally found a doc who was ready to believe that there was something wrong with me and ordered a CT scan which led to colonoscopy many other tests and finally I had my answer- CROHNS
When I didnt know what was wrong with me I used to feel sad and lost. But now when I know what it is, the fact that I have to live with it till I die is horrifying. The constant abdominal pain, back pain, diarrhea and fatigue along with other problems caused by crohns seem never ending to me. I have been on medication for 4 months now and do not find any difference. I have no other option than to do what my doc says. No one to tell me if I am doing the right thing.
I am an Asthmatic and have Anxiety disorder too and I am finding it exteremely difficult to handle everthing :yfrown:
I am so sorry that you struggling right now. Your being miserable and frustrated is totally understandable. As far as family, friends and the docs, they don't know your body like you do. You have to trust yourself and not listen to others telling you that it is all in your head. Trust me when I say that I had to tell my one doctor that he was worthless, because of that same reason. Kept pushing me into a Psychiatrist. I know that depression is part of what we all deal with, but it is not the cause of our symptoms. Stress makes the Crohn's worse, but doesn't cause the problem.

If the meds are not helping with your symptoms, then you need to keep on your doctor and tell him what is going on and that they are not helping you. There are other meds and treatments.

You have come to the right place to share your frustrations, and vent when you need too. There are some incredible members here on the forum that are very supportive and helpful when you need someone to talk to and vent a little.

I am here anytime you need someone to talk too.

Please hang in there, and call your doctor and explain to him that the meds are not helping.

Big Hug
Dear Fahi - I am so sorry you are going thru this. A diagnosis of Crohn's can be very difficult. It must be even more so in a country where there is little incidence of Crohn's and probably not a lot of doctors that know how to deal with it.

You can find a lot of good answers and advice here on the forum. I hope you can find a good doctor there to be an advocate for you and get you the right medicine to helo you feel better!

- Amy
I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. But you should know you are not alone. We are here and we understand. I wish we could be there for you in person, but hopefully some online support will help some. We're here any time you want to vent or ask questions or what have you.

If your treatment isn't making a difference you may want to talk with that doc again. They can run some tests and figure out if you need a change. I wish you all the best in your treatment and hope you start feeling better soon.
Thanks everyone for your support and understanding.

I just don't remember when was the last time I felt normal and I am wondering if I will ever feel normal again.