This is a embarrassing illness isnt it?? I now wear sanitary pads and I haven't had a period in over 30 years because of a hysteectomy..I'm pooping liquid, blood, mucus..loverly!! I'm trying to stay positive and am struggling with it. I do things each day that will help me lift my mood even if it's just listening to music to feed my spirit.
I don't have the energy to clean my apartment. I can't get out much to meet up with friends who are my support. I plan on going to my folks house after yet another doctor appointment..I feel I see so many that it's a full time job! I just want to lay down and watch a good movie at this point..
Sorry to be so negative..I'm just tired too..been up since 1 am pooping. Oddly,I drink fluids, I poop and the only abnormal lab value was a low potassium!i can't figure out the way my body must be fairly efficient not to show dehydration other than a low K+..
Ok.. I'm done whining!thanks and it'll get better!just want to make it until the end of next month when I go for that second opinion!Right now I'm just feeling like a big weenie!ale:ale:
I don't have the energy to clean my apartment. I can't get out much to meet up with friends who are my support. I plan on going to my folks house after yet another doctor appointment..I feel I see so many that it's a full time job! I just want to lay down and watch a good movie at this point..
Sorry to be so negative..I'm just tired too..been up since 1 am pooping. Oddly,I drink fluids, I poop and the only abnormal lab value was a low potassium!i can't figure out the way my body must be fairly efficient not to show dehydration other than a low K+..
Ok.. I'm done whining!thanks and it'll get better!just want to make it until the end of next month when I go for that second opinion!Right now I'm just feeling like a big weenie!ale:ale: