Miss poopy pants!

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Aug 6, 2012
This is a embarrassing illness isnt it?? I now wear sanitary pads and I haven't had a period in over 30 years because of a hysteectomy..I'm pooping liquid, blood, mucus..loverly!! I'm trying to stay positive and am struggling with it. I do things each day that will help me lift my mood even if it's just listening to music to feed my spirit.
I don't have the energy to clean my apartment. I can't get out much to meet up with friends who are my support. I plan on going to my folks house after yet another doctor appointment..I feel I see so many that it's a full time job! I just want to lay down and watch a good movie at this point..
Sorry to be so negative..I'm just tired too..been up since 1 am pooping. Oddly,I drink fluids, I poop and the only abnormal lab value was a low potassium!i can't figure out the way my body works..it must be fairly efficient not to show dehydration other than a low K+..
Ok.. I'm done whining!thanks and it'll get better!just want to make it until the end of next month when I go for that second opinion!Right now I'm just feeling like a big weenie!:pale::pale:
Oh, you poor thing. I am fortunate that I've only poo'ed myself once so far in the course of this illness, and I was at home. It was still humiliating and made me so ashamed, how awful that you need to wear pads because of something like that. :( It's so easy to get down and negative when dealing with an illness like this, particularly if you just don't get a break from symptoms. Hang in there. I hope you can enjoy your music and movies soon, the apartment cleaning can wait. Oh, and I get the same way when I get dehydrated, except I only seem to lose sodium, no other electrolytes are ever low for me. Weird. Anyway, big hugs to you and good luck with the second opinion!
I hear ya....I have had Crohns for 2 years now and.........I use sanitary liners every friken day now for anal leakage! Sometimes its really bad at night time - I find as soon as I lay down all my bowels(well what's left of em-had my entire colon removed and had j-pouch(reconnection)) start to rumble, so I lay on my side and all I hear is the rumbling moving to the other end of my small intestine, so onward we go! I find wearing the sanitary liners all the time wasn't letting things 'air out' after pooping all the time. A great panti liner is from NatraCare - they are organic cotton - wonderful product - can get em at Whole Foods. To lift your mood may I make a great suggestion if you are a reader - Simple Abundance - A Daybook of Comfort and Joy - AUTHOR - Sarah Ban Breathnach. Read this with a banana (good binding fruit / potassium too) and some white rice (another good binding food), (I know it's plain and tasteless - but it works excellent on binding your stools).
I hear ya on the going out events - unless there is a toiley within 20 steps I tend not to go or I just don't eat before I go out.
Other great binding foods (mind you - everyone is different) are applesauce(low fibre)(remember fibre works both ways), white toast, skinless chicken breasts, peanut butter and I find any red meat bungs me up well. Check out the BRAT diet (you can find it online) that may help you out with your liquid poops. Chin up and it is OKAY to whine when you have Crohn's - WE HAVE EARNED IT!

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