Mixed Signals Between Nausea and Diarrhea

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 2, 2012
My daughter sent me to the forum with a question. She is having mixed signals where she thinks she is going to vomit and instead has diarrhea. She was diagnosed with Crohn's in September of 2011 and wondered if these mixed signals are a Crohnie thing. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks in advance!
Around 4 am today I started to have the same thing happen to me, felt nauseated and thought I was going to vomit a few times. Between 7am and 10am I must have been on the toilet 9 time with diarrhea and I'm still surprised that I did not vomit a few times.
Not sure what triggered this other then it feels like the Humira (had loading dose 10 days ago) is wearing off.
I still feel a little nauseated at times right now so today is going to be a liquid diet day.

I also had this happen to me a few months ago, my doc said that it was probably from something I ate. Never did figure out what set it off but I had been having a little bit of a problem with the Chron's for a few days before it got bad that one night.

Hope your daughter gets to feeling better.
I have had instances where I have been in the middle of diarrhoea and suddenly felt like I was going to vomit. I attributed this to stomach cramps since I had no nausea before hand, it felt like I was being squeezed in the middle forcing everything up or down. These instances seem to happen when I have eaten something that disagrees with me (usually I don't have diarrhoea as a regular Crohn's symptom), or when I have had a stomach bug.

My boyfriend has had similar when he had food poisoning, and would rush to vomit only to find it coming out the other end too.

So it sounds to be a fairly common occurrence when something has seriously upset your stomach.
I call this the "spits and sh/#s." I'd be on the toilet with D and then my mouth would start sweating so I'd spit onto the garbage can. Everyone in a while, I'd vomit. This happened for a number of reasons: stricture, dehydration, and GERD. definitely worth talking to doc about it. Good luck.
Hi Kem,

I sometimes have this problem...I'll be sat there feeling quite sick but then I'll go to the toilet, have D and then I'm fine! x
I get this from remicade D and throwing up at the same time also remicade makes me very nautious so could be meds.

Also things in my diet can mess me up so see what the diet is like I know dairy or anything like Ensure or protein shakes make me nautious like theres no tommorow.
Heh, one time I had the stomach bug really bad. I was really glad our tub was placed direct across from the toilet.

Thanks for all of your responses. I relayed them to my daughter. It is good to know she is not the only one with these mixed signals.